How to useRegular Expressions in Javascript

Regular expressions provide a powerful way to search for patterns within strings. We can use a regular expression to match the portion of the string after the last slash.


let str = "folder_1/folder_2/file.html";

function getStringAfterLastSlash(str) {
    // Match any characters after the last slash
    const regex = /[^/]+$/;
    // Extract the matched portion using regex
    const match = str.match(regex);
    // Return the matched portion
    return match ? match[0] : "";



How to get value of a string after last slash in JavaScript?

The task is to get the string after a specific character(‘/’). Here are a few of the most used techniques discussed. We are going to use JavaScript. 

Below are the approaches used to get the value of a string after the last slash in JavaScript:

Table of Content

  • Approach 1: Using .split() method and .length property
  • Approach 2: Using .lastIndexOf(str) method and .substring() method
  • Approach 3: Using .split() method and pop() method
  • Approach 4: Using Regular Expressions

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