How to usethe array_multisort() method in PHP

The array_multisort() method is used to return a sorted array. String keys will be maintained, but the numeric keys are re-indexed, and they start at 0 and increase by 1. This function can sort multiple arrays at once or a multidimensional array. 

array_multisort(array, sort_order, sort_type);

Example: In this example, initially an array of associative arrays is defined. Then, a new array is created in order to store the keys as the attribute of the main array upon which we wish to sort. The array_multisort() method is then applied to this created array and the desired sort type. In case two or more keys are the same, the values appear in the order of storage. 

 #declaring an associative array
$arr = array(
   array("Name"=>"YASHIKA", "marks"=>22),
   array("Name"=>"ASHIKA", "marks"=>67),
   array("Name"=>"BASHIKA", "marks"=>87),
   array("Name"=>"YASHITA", "marks"=>24),
   array("Name"=>"AMAN", "marks"=>55),
   array("Name"=>"ANjali", "marks"=>98),
   array("Name"=>"YASHIKA", "marks"=>100),   
#declaring an array to store names
$names = array();
#iterating over the arr
foreach ($arr as $key => $val)
  #storing the key of the names array as the Name key of the arr
    $names[$key] = $val['Name'];
#apply multisort method
array_multisort($names, SORT_ASC, $arr);
print_r("Modified Array : ");


Modified Array : Array
[0] => Array
[Name] => AMAN
[marks] => 55

[1] => Array
[Name] => ANjali
[marks] => 98

[2] => Array
[Name] => ASHIKA
[marks] => 67

[3] => Array
[Name] => BASHIKA
[marks] => 87

[4] => Array
[Name] => YASHIKA
[marks] => 22

[5] => Array
[Name] => YASHIKA
[marks] => 100

[6] => Array
[Name] => YASHITA
[marks] => 24

Explanation: The main array is sorted based on names in ascending order. 

How to sort an Array of Associative Arrays by Value of a Given Key in PHP ?

Each entry in the associative array is characterized by a unique key-value pair. An array can contain singular data types belonging to variables or other arrays as its elements. There are multiple ways to sort an array of associative arrays by the value of a specified key. 

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