Approach for 2-SAT Problem

For the CNF value to come TRUE, value of every clause should be TRUE. Let one of the clause be [Tex](A \vee B)       [/Tex].[Tex]      [/Tex]= TRUE 

  • If A = 0, B must be 1 i.e. [Tex](\bar{A} \Rightarrow B) [/Tex]
  • If B = 0, A must be 1 i.e. [Tex](\bar{B} \Rightarrow A) [/Tex]


[Tex](A \vee B)[/Tex] = TRUE is equivalent to [Tex](\bar{A} \Rightarrow B) \wedge (\bar{B} \Rightarrow A)[/Tex]

Now, we can express the CNF as an Implication. So, we create an Implication Graph which has 2 edges for every clause of the CNF. 
[Tex](A \vee B)       [/Tex]is expressed in Implication Graph as [Tex]edge(\bar{A} \rightarrow B) \ & edge(\bar{B} \rightarrow A)      [/Tex]

Thus, for a Boolean formula with ‘m’ clauses, we make an Implication Graph with: 

  • 2 edges for every clause i.e. ‘2m’ edges.
  • 1 node for every Boolean variable involved in the Boolean formula.

Let’s see one example of Implication Graph. 
[Tex]     [/Tex]

Note: The implication (if A then B) is equivalent to its contrapositive (if [Tex]\bar{B}       [/Tex]then [Tex]\bar{A}       [/Tex]).
Now, consider the following cases:

CASE 1: If [Tex]edge(X \rightarrow \bar{X}) [/Tex][Tex]exists in the graph [/Tex]This means [Tex](X \Rightarrow \bar{X}) [/Tex]If X = TRUE, [Tex]\bar{X} [/Tex] = TRUE, which is a contradiction.But if X = FALSE, there are no implication constraints.Thus, X = FALSE
CASE 2: If [Tex]edge(\bar{X} \rightarrow X) [/Tex][Tex]exists in the graph [/Tex]This means [Tex](\bar{X} \Rightarrow X) [/Tex]If [Tex]\bar{X} [/Tex] = TRUE, X = TRUE, which is a contradiction.But if [Tex]\bar{X} [/Tex] = FALSE, there are no implication constraints.Thus, [Tex]\bar{X} [/Tex] = FALSE i.e. X = TRUE
CASE 3: If [Tex]edge(X \rightarrow \bar{X}) \& edge(\bar{X} \rightarrow X) [/Tex][Tex]both exist in the graph [/Tex]One edge requires X to be TRUE and the other one requires X to be FALSE.Thus, there is no possible assignment in such a case.


If any two variables [Tex]X       [/Tex]and [Tex]\bar{X}       [/Tex]are on a cycle i.e. [Tex]path(\bar{A} \rightarrow B) \& path({B} \rightarrow A)       [/Tex]both exists, then the CNF is unsatisfiable. Otherwise, there is a possible assignment and the CNF is satisfiable. 
Note here that, we use path due to the following property of implication: 
If we have [Tex](A \Rightarrow B) \& (B \Rightarrow C), then A \Rightarrow C       [/Tex]
Thus, if we have a path in the Implication Graph, that is pretty much same as having a direct edge.


If both X and [Tex]\bar{X}       [/Tex]lie in the same SCC (Strongly Connected Component), the CNF is unsatisfiable. 
A Strongly Connected Component of a directed graph has nodes such that every node can be reach from every another node in that SCC. 
Now, if X and [Tex]\bar{X}       [/Tex]lie on the same SCC, we will definitely have [Tex]path(\bar{A} \rightarrow B) \& path({B} \rightarrow A)       [/Tex]present and hence the conclusion.
Checking of the SCC can be done in O(E+V) using the Kosaraju’s Algorithm



// C++ implementation to find if the given // expression is satisfiable using the // Kosaraju's Algorithm #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int MAX = 100000; // data structures used to implement Kosaraju's // Algorithm. Please refer // vector<int> adj[MAX]; vector<int> adjInv[MAX]; bool visited[MAX]; bool visitedInv[MAX]; stack<int> s; // this array will store the SCC that the // particular node belongs to int scc[MAX]; // counter maintains the number of the SCC int counter = 1; // adds edges to form the original graph void addEdges(int a, int b) { adj[a].push_back(b); } // add edges to form the inverse graph void addEdgesInverse(int a, int b) { adjInv[b].push_back(a); } // for STEP 1 of Kosaraju's Algorithm void dfsFirst(int u) { if(visited[u]) return; visited[u] = 1; for (int i=0;i<adj[u].size();i++) dfsFirst(adj[u][i]); s.push(u); } // for STEP 2 of Kosaraju's Algorithm void dfsSecond(int u) { if(visitedInv[u]) return; visitedInv[u] = 1; for (int i=0;i<adjInv[u].size();i++) dfsSecond(adjInv[u][i]); scc[u] = counter; } // function to check 2-Satisfiability void is2Satisfiable(int n, int m, int a[], int b[]) { // adding edges to the graph for(int i=0;i<m;i++) { // variable x is mapped to x // variable -x is mapped to n+x = n-(-x) // for a[i] or b[i], addEdges -a[i] -> b[i] // AND -b[i] -> a[i] if (a[i]>0 && b[i]>0) { addEdges(a[i]+n, b[i]); addEdgesInverse(a[i]+n, b[i]); addEdges(b[i]+n, a[i]); addEdgesInverse(b[i]+n, a[i]); } else if (a[i]>0 && b[i]<0) { addEdges(a[i]+n, n-b[i]); addEdgesInverse(a[i]+n, n-b[i]); addEdges(-b[i], a[i]); addEdgesInverse(-b[i], a[i]); } else if (a[i]<0 && b[i]>0) { addEdges(-a[i], b[i]); addEdgesInverse(-a[i], b[i]); addEdges(b[i]+n, n-a[i]); addEdgesInverse(b[i]+n, n-a[i]); } else { addEdges(-a[i], n-b[i]); addEdgesInverse(-a[i], n-b[i]); addEdges(-b[i], n-a[i]); addEdgesInverse(-b[i], n-a[i]); } } // STEP 1 of Kosaraju's Algorithm which // traverses the original graph for (int i=1;i<=2*n;i++) if (!visited[i]) dfsFirst(i); // STEP 2 of Kosaraju's Algorithm which // traverses the inverse graph. After this, // array scc[] stores the corresponding value while (!s.empty()) { int n =; s.pop(); if (!visitedInv[n]) { dfsSecond(n); counter++; } } for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) { // for any 2 variable x and -x lie in // same SCC if(scc[i]==scc[i+n]) { cout << "The given expression " "is unsatisfiable." << endl; return; } } // no such variables x and -x exist which lie // in same SCC cout << "The given expression is satisfiable." << endl; return; } // Driver function to test above functions int main() { // n is the number of variables // 2n is the total number of nodes // m is the number of clauses int n = 5, m = 7; // each clause is of the form a or b // for m clauses, we have a[m], b[m] // representing a[i] or b[i] // Note: // 1 <= x <= N for an uncomplemented variable x // -N <= x <= -1 for a complemented variable x // -x is the complement of a variable x // The CNF being handled is: // '+' implies 'OR' and '*' implies 'AND' // (x1+x2)*(x2’+x3)*(x1’+x2’)*(x3+x4)*(x3’+x5)* // (x4’+x5’)*(x3’+x4) int a[] = {1, -2, -1, 3, -3, -4, -3}; int b[] = {2, 3, -2, 4, 5, -5, 4}; // We have considered the same example for which // Implication Graph was made is2Satisfiable(n, m, a, b); return 0; }


// Java implementation to find if the given // expression is satisfiable using the // Kosaraju's Algorithm import*; import java.util.*; class GFG { static final int MAX = 100000; // Data structures used to implement Kosaraju's // Algorithm. Please refer // @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static List<List<Integer> > adj = new ArrayList(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static List<List<Integer> > adjInv = new ArrayList(); static boolean[] visited = new boolean[MAX]; static boolean[] visitedInv = new boolean[MAX]; static Stack<Integer> s = new Stack<Integer>(); // This array will store the SCC that the // particular node belongs to static int[] scc = new int[MAX]; // counter maintains the number of the SCC static int counter = 1; // Adds edges to form the original graph void static void addEdges(int a, int b) { adj.get(a).add(b); } // Add edges to form the inverse graph static void addEdgesInverse(int a, int b) { adjInv.get(b).add(a); } // For STEP 1 of Kosaraju's Algorithm static void dfsFirst(int u) { if (visited[u]) return; visited[u] = true; for (int i = 0; i < adj.get(u).size(); i++) dfsFirst(adj.get(u).get(i)); s.push(u); } // For STEP 2 of Kosaraju's Algorithm static void dfsSecond(int u) { if (visitedInv[u]) return; visitedInv[u] = true; for (int i = 0; i < adjInv.get(u).size(); i++) dfsSecond(adjInv.get(u).get(i)); scc[u] = counter; } // Function to check 2-Satisfiability static void is2Satisfiable(int n, int m, int a[], int b[]) { // Adding edges to the graph for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { // variable x is mapped to x // variable -x is mapped to n+x = n-(-x) // for a[i] or b[i], addEdges -a[i] -> b[i] // AND -b[i] -> a[i] if (a[i] > 0 && b[i] > 0) { addEdges(a[i] + n, b[i]); addEdgesInverse(a[i] + n, b[i]); addEdges(b[i] + n, a[i]); addEdgesInverse(b[i] + n, a[i]); } else if (a[i] > 0 && b[i] < 0) { addEdges(a[i] + n, n - b[i]); addEdgesInverse(a[i] + n, n - b[i]); addEdges(-b[i], a[i]); addEdgesInverse(-b[i], a[i]); } else if (a[i] < 0 && b[i] > 0) { addEdges(-a[i], b[i]); addEdgesInverse(-a[i], b[i]); addEdges(b[i] + n, n - a[i]); addEdgesInverse(b[i] + n, n - a[i]); } else { addEdges(-a[i], n - b[i]); addEdgesInverse(-a[i], n - b[i]); addEdges(-b[i], n - a[i]); addEdgesInverse(-b[i], n - a[i]); } } // STEP 1 of Kosaraju's Algorithm which // traverses the original graph for (int i = 1; i <= 2 * n; i++) if (!visited[i]) dfsFirst(i); // STEP 2 of Kosaraju's Algorithm which // traverses the inverse graph. After this, // array scc[] stores the corresponding value while (!s.isEmpty()) { int top = s.peek(); s.pop(); if (!visitedInv[top]) { dfsSecond(top); counter++; } } for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { // For any 2 variable x and -x lie in // same SCC if (scc[i] == scc[i + n]) { System.out.println("The given expression" + "is unsatisfiable."); return; } } // No such variables x and -x exist which lie // in same SCC System.out.println("The given expression " + "is satisfiable."); } // Driver code public static void main(String[] args) { // n is the number of variables // 2n is the total number of nodes // m is the number of clauses int n = 5, m = 7; for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++) { adj.add(new ArrayList<Integer>()); adjInv.add(new ArrayList<Integer>()); } // Each clause is of the form a or b // for m clauses, we have a[m], b[m] // representing a[i] or b[i] // Note: // 1 <= x <= N for an uncomplemented variable x // -N <= x <= -1 for a complemented variable x // -x is the complement of a variable x // The CNF being handled is: // '+' implies 'OR' and '*' implies 'AND' // (x1+x2)*(x2â??+x3)*(x1â??+x2â??)*(x3+x4)*(x3â??+x5)* // (x4â??+x5â??)*(x3â??+x4) int a[] = { 1, -2, -1, 3, -3, -4, -3 }; int b[] = { 2, 3, -2, 4, 5, -5, 4 }; // We have considered the same example // for which Implication Graph was made is2Satisfiable(n, m, a, b); } } // This code is contributed by jithin


from collections import defaultdict # Constants MAX = 100000 # Data structures used to implement Kosaraju's Algorithm adj = defaultdict(list) adj_inv = defaultdict(list) visited = [False] * (MAX + 1) visited_inv = [False] * (MAX + 1) s = [] scc = [0] * (MAX + 1) counter = 1 # Function to add edges to form the original graph def add_edges(a, b): adj[a].append(b) # Function to add edges to form the inverse graph def add_edges_inverse(a, b): adj_inv[b].append(a) # STEP 1 of Kosaraju's Algorithm - DFS on the original graph def dfs_first(u): if visited[u]: return visited[u] = True for neighbor in adj[u]: dfs_first(neighbor) s.append(u) # STEP 2 of Kosaraju's Algorithm - DFS on the inverse graph def dfs_second(u): if visited_inv[u]: return visited_inv[u] = True for neighbor in adj_inv[u]: dfs_second(neighbor) scc[u] = counter # Function to check 2-Satisfiability def is_2_satisfiable(n, m, a, b): global counter # Declare counter as a global variable # Adding edges to the graph for i in range(m): if a[i] > 0 and b[i] > 0: add_edges(a[i] + n, b[i]) add_edges_inverse(a[i] + n, b[i]) add_edges(b[i] + n, a[i]) add_edges_inverse(b[i] + n, a[i]) elif a[i] > 0 and b[i] < 0: add_edges(a[i] + n, n - b[i]) add_edges_inverse(a[i] + n, n - b[i]) add_edges(-b[i], a[i]) add_edges_inverse(-b[i], a[i]) elif a[i] < 0 and b[i] > 0: add_edges(-a[i], b[i]) add_edges_inverse(-a[i], b[i]) add_edges(b[i] + n, n - a[i]) add_edges_inverse(b[i] + n, n - a[i]) else: add_edges(-a[i], n - b[i]) add_edges_inverse(-a[i], n - b[i]) add_edges(-b[i], n - a[i]) add_edges_inverse(-b[i], n - a[i]) # STEP 1 of Kosaraju's Algorithm - Traverse the original graph for i in range(1, 2 * n + 1): if not visited[i]: dfs_first(i) # STEP 2 of Kosaraju's Algorithm - Traverse the inverse graph while s: node = s.pop() if not visited_inv[node]: dfs_second(node) counter += 1 # Check if there exist variables x and -x in the same SCC for i in range(1, n + 1): if scc[i] == scc[i + n]: print("The given expression is unsatisfiable.") return # No such variables x and -x exist in the same SCC print("The given expression is satisfiable.") # Driver function to test the implementation def main(): # Number of variables, number of clauses n, m = 5, 7 # Example CNF (x1+x2)*(x2’+x3)*(x1’+x2’)*(x3+x4)*(x3’+x5)*(x4’+x5’)*(x3’+x4) a = [1, -2, -1, 3, -3, -4, -3] b = [2, 3, -2, 4, 5, -5, 4] is_2_satisfiable(n, m, a, b) if __name__ == "__main__": main()


using System; using System.Collections.Generic; class TwoSatisfiability { const int MAX = 100000; // Data structures used to implement Kosaraju's // Algorithm Please refer: // static List<int>[] adj = new List<int>[ MAX ]; static List<int>[] adjInv = new List<int>[ MAX ]; static bool[] visited = new bool[MAX]; static bool[] visitedInv = new bool[MAX]; static Stack<int> s = new Stack<int>(); // This array will store the SCC that the particular // node belongs to static int[] scc = new int[MAX]; // Counter maintains the number of the SCC static int counter = 1; // Adds edges to form the original graph static void AddEdges(int a, int b) { adj[a].Add(b); } // Adds edges to form the inverse graph static void AddEdgesInverse(int a, int b) { adjInv[b].Add(a); } // STEP 1 of Kosaraju's Algorithm static void DfsFirst(int u) { if (visited[u]) return; visited[u] = true; foreach(var v in adj[u]) DfsFirst(v); s.Push(u); } // STEP 2 of Kosaraju's Algorithm static void DfsSecond(int u) { if (visitedInv[u]) return; visitedInv[u] = true; foreach(var v in adjInv[u]) DfsSecond(v); scc[u] = counter; } // Function to check 2-Satisfiability static void Is2Satisfiable(int n, int m, int[] a, int[] b) { // Initialize the arrays for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++) { adj[i] = new List<int>(); adjInv[i] = new List<int>(); } // Adding edges to the graph for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { if (a[i] > 0 && b[i] > 0) { AddEdges(a[i] + n, b[i]); AddEdgesInverse(a[i] + n, b[i]); AddEdges(b[i] + n, a[i]); AddEdgesInverse(b[i] + n, a[i]); } else if (a[i] > 0 && b[i] < 0) { AddEdges(a[i] + n, n - b[i]); AddEdgesInverse(a[i] + n, n - b[i]); AddEdges(-b[i], a[i]); AddEdgesInverse(-b[i], a[i]); } else if (a[i] < 0 && b[i] > 0) { AddEdges(-a[i], b[i]); AddEdgesInverse(-a[i], b[i]); AddEdges(b[i] + n, n - a[i]); AddEdgesInverse(b[i] + n, n - a[i]); } else { AddEdges(-a[i], n - b[i]); AddEdgesInverse(-a[i], n - b[i]); AddEdges(-b[i], n - a[i]); AddEdgesInverse(-b[i], n - a[i]); } } // STEP 1 of Kosaraju's Algorithm which traverses // the original graph for (int i = 1; i <= 2 * n; i++) if (!visited[i]) DfsFirst(i); // STEP 2 of Kosaraju's Algorithm which traverses // the inverse graph. After this, array scc[] stores // the corresponding value while (s.Count > 0) { int node = s.Pop(); if (!visitedInv[node]) { DfsSecond(node); counter++; } } for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { // For any 2 variables x and -x lie in the same // SCC if (scc[i] == scc[i + n]) { Console.WriteLine( "The given expression is unsatisfiable."); return; } } // No such variables x and -x exist which lie in the // same SCC Console.WriteLine( "The given expression is satisfiable."); } // Driver function to test above functions static void Main() { // n is the number of variables // 2n is the total number of nodes // m is the number of clauses int n = 5, m = 7; // Each clause is of the form a or b // For m clauses, we have a[m], b[m] representing // a[i] or b[i] // Note: // 1 <= x <= N for an uncomplemented variable x // -N <= x <= -1 for a complemented variable x // -x is the complement of a variable x // The CNF being handled is: // '+' implies 'OR' and '*' implies 'AND' // (x1+x2)*(x2’+x3)*(x1’+x2’)*(x3+x4)*(x3’+x5)* // (x4’+x5’)*(x3’+x4) int[] a = { 1, -2, -1, 3, -3, -4, -3 }; int[] b = { 2, 3, -2, 4, 5, -5, 4 }; // We have considered the same example for which // Implication Graph was made Is2Satisfiable(n, m, a, b); } }


// Data structures used to implement Kosaraju's Algorithm const MAX = 100000; const adj = new Array(MAX).fill(0).map(() => []); const adjInv = new Array(MAX).fill(0).map(() => []); const visited = new Array(MAX).fill(false); const visitedInv = new Array(MAX).fill(false); const s = []; // This array will store the SCC that the particular node belongs to const scc = new Array(MAX).fill(0); // Counter maintains the number of the SCC let counter = 1; // Adds edges to form the original graph function addEdges(a, b) { adj[a].push(b); } // Adds edges to form the inverse graph function addEdgesInverse(a, b) { adjInv[b].push(a); } // Step 1 of Kosaraju's Algorithm function dfsFirst(u) { if (visited[u]) return; visited[u] = true; for (let i = 0; i < adj[u].length; i++) dfsFirst(adj[u][i]); s.push(u); } // Step 2 of Kosaraju's Algorithm function dfsSecond(u) { if (visitedInv[u]) return; visitedInv[u] = true; for (let i = 0; i < adjInv[u].length; i++) dfsSecond(adjInv[u][i]); scc[u] = counter; } // Function to check 2-Satisfiability function is2Satisfiable(n, m, a, b) { // Adding edges to the graph for (let i = 0; i < m; i++) { if (a[i] > 0 && b[i] > 0) { addEdges(a[i] + n, b[i]); addEdgesInverse(a[i] + n, b[i]); addEdges(b[i] + n, a[i]); addEdgesInverse(b[i] + n, a[i]); } else if (a[i] > 0 && b[i] < 0) { addEdges(a[i] + n, n - b[i]); addEdgesInverse(a[i] + n, n - b[i]); addEdges(-b[i], a[i]); addEdgesInverse(-b[i], a[i]); } else if (a[i] < 0 && b[i] > 0) { addEdges(-a[i], b[i]); addEdgesInverse(-a[i], b[i]); addEdges(b[i] + n, n - a[i]); addEdgesInverse(b[i] + n, n - a[i]); } else { addEdges(-a[i], n - b[i]); addEdgesInverse(-a[i], n - b[i]); addEdges(-b[i], n - a[i]); addEdgesInverse(-b[i], n - a[i]); } } // Step 1 of Kosaraju's Algorithm which // traverses the original graph for (let i = 1; i <= 2 * n; i++) if (!visited[i]) dfsFirst(i); // Step 2 of Kosaraju's Algorithm which traverses // the inverse graph while (s.length > 0) { const node = s.pop(); if (!visitedInv[node]) { dfsSecond(node); counter++; } } for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) { if (scc[i] === scc[i + n]) { console.log("The given expression is unsatisfiable."); return; } } console.log("The given expression is satisfiable."); } // Driver function to test above functions // n is the number of variables // 2n is the total number of nodes // m is the number of clauses const n = 5, m = 7; // Each clause is of the form a or b // For m clauses, we have a[m], b[m] // representing a[i] or b[i] // Note: // 1 <= x <= N for an uncomplemented variable x // -N <= x <= -1 for a complemented variable x // -x is the complement of a variable x // The CNF being handled is: // '+' implies 'OR' and '*' implies 'AND' // (x1+x2)*(x2’+x3)*(x1’+x2’)*(x3+x4)*(x3’+x5)* // (x4’+x5’)*(x3’+x4) const a = [1, -2, -1, 3, -3, -4, -3]; const b = [2, 3, -2, 4, 5, -5, 4]; // We have considered the same example for which // Implication Graph was made is2Satisfiable(n, m, a, b); // This code is contributed by Yash Agarwal(yashagarwal2852002)


The given expression is satisfiable.

More Test Cases: 

Input : n = 2, m = 3
a[] = {1, 2, -1}
b[] = {2, -1, -2}
Output : The given expression is satisfiable.
Input : n = 2, m = 4
a[] = {1, -1, 1, -1}
b[] = {2, 2, -2, -2}
Output : The given expression is unsatisfiable.

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2-Satisfiability (2-SAT) Problem

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