Approach to Create a Blog Webpage with NextJS

  • Posts Handling (posts.ts): Fetches posts data from markdown files. Parses metadata using gray-matter. Converts markdown content to HTML using remark.
  • Date Formatting (getFormattedDate.ts): Formats date strings using Intl.DateTimeFormat.
  • List Item Component (ListItem.tsx): Displays individual post titles and dates. Links to respective post pages.
  • Profile Picture Component (MyProfilePic.tsx): Displays a profile picture using Next.js Image component.
  • Navbar Component (Navbar.tsx): Navigation bar with site title and links. Utilizes React icons for social media links.
  • Layout Component (layout.tsx): Sets up the overall layout including navbar and profile picture. Allows for global styling and structure.
  • Post Page (page.tsx): Fetches and displays individual post content. Provides links back to the homepage.
  • Homepage (index.tsx): Displays a greeting message and lists posts using the Posts component.

Creating a Blog Webpage using Next.js

In this article, we will delve into the process of setting up a blog, with NextJS, a known React framework. The blog will come equipped with features that enable users to compose, view, edit, and remove blog entries. We’ll make use of NextJS capabilities to construct a speedy and search-engine-optimized site.

Output Preview: Let us have a look at how the final output will look like.

Final Output

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Approach to Create a Blog Webpage with NextJS:

Posts Handling (posts.ts): Fetches posts data from markdown files. Parses metadata using gray-matter. Converts markdown content to HTML using remark. Date Formatting (getFormattedDate.ts): Formats date strings using Intl.DateTimeFormat. List Item Component (ListItem.tsx): Displays individual post titles and dates. Links to respective post pages. Profile Picture Component (MyProfilePic.tsx): Displays a profile picture using Next.js Image component. Navbar Component (Navbar.tsx): Navigation bar with site title and links. Utilizes React icons for social media links. Layout Component (layout.tsx): Sets up the overall layout including navbar and profile picture. Allows for global styling and structure. Post Page (page.tsx): Fetches and displays individual post content. Provides links back to the homepage. Homepage (index.tsx): Displays a greeting message and lists posts using the Posts component....

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Project Structure:
