Approach to Create Cryptocurrency wallet App

  • Users can view their profile at the user icon in the top right, which includes their name.
  • The app displays the total wallet balance of different cryptocurrencies on the main screen.
  • Users can perform actions such as sending cryptocurrencies, requesting them, and viewing transaction history using the corresponding buttons.
  • The app provides a list of cryptocurrencies along with their names, balances, and icons.
  • Users can scroll through the list to view their holdings and relevant details.
  • Creating a fully working cryptocurrency wallet app is very long and complex work so we have created only the homepage UI of the app.

Create a Cryptocurrency wallet using React-Native

Cryptocurrency wallet app using React Native is a user-friendly interface for managing digital assets. It is designed to facilitate the secure storage, management, and transaction of cryptocurrencies. cryptocurrency wallet app provides functionalities such as Balance Tracking, Transaction Management, Conversion and Exchange, Transaction History, User Profile, etc.

Preview of final output: Let us have a look at how the final application will look like.

Preview of the app

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Approach to Create Cryptocurrency wallet App:

Users can view their profile at the user icon in the top right, which includes their name. The app displays the total wallet balance of different cryptocurrencies on the main screen. Users can perform actions such as sending cryptocurrencies, requesting them, and viewing transaction history using the corresponding buttons. The app provides a list of cryptocurrencies along with their names, balances, and icons. Users can scroll through the list to view their holdings and relevant details. Creating a fully working cryptocurrency wallet app is very long and complex work so we have created only the homepage UI of the app....

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Step 1: Create a react native application by using this command in the command prompt...