Approach to create Pagination Component

The approach is very simple. We will count the array length and divide it with the number of elements that we wants to display per page. The resultant will be the total number of pages that will be rendered on a single page. We will utilize useState to store these results for conditional rendering.

Pagination Component using React Hooks

Pagination on websites refers to the way of displaying a large set of data in smaller chunks. In React, it’s super easy to create a pagination component with the help of the `useEffect` and `useState` hooks. we will create a pagination component using React hooks.

Output Preview: Let us have a look at how the final output will look like.

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Approach to create Pagination Component

The approach is very simple. We will count the array length and divide it with the number of elements that we wants to display per page. The resultant will be the total number of pages that will be rendered on a single page. We will utilize useState to store these results for conditional rendering....

Steps to Create React App & Install required modules

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