Approach to create Wishlist Functionality

  • Install Redux Toolkit:Use npm or yarn to install Redux Toolkit: npm install @reduxjs/toolkit or yarn add @reduxjs/toolkit.
  • Create Wishlist Slice:Use createSlice to define a Redux slice for the Wishlist.Specify the initial state and create reducers for actions like addToWishlist and removeFromWishlist.
  • Combine Reducers:Combine the Wishlist reducer with other reducers, if any, using combineReducers.
  • Configure Redux Store:Utilize configureStore to set up the Redux store and pass the combined reducer.
  • Dispatch Actions in Components:Use useDispatch and useSelector hooks from react-redux in components.Dispatch actions (e.g., addToWishlist, removeFromWishlist) based on user interactions.

Wishlist Functionality using Redux Toolkit in React

Wishlist is one of the important concepts of an E-commerce platform. In this article, we are going to learn how to implement Wishlist functionality using React JS and Redux Toolkit.

Preview of final output: Let us have a look at how the final output will look like.

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Approach to create Wishlist Functionality:

Install Redux Toolkit:Use npm or yarn to install Redux Toolkit: npm install @reduxjs/toolkit or yarn add @reduxjs/toolkit. Create Wishlist Slice:Use createSlice to define a Redux slice for the Wishlist.Specify the initial state and create reducers for actions like addToWishlist and removeFromWishlist. Combine Reducers:Combine the Wishlist reducer with other reducers, if any, using combineReducers. Configure Redux Store:Utilize configureStore to set up the Redux store and pass the combined reducer. Dispatch Actions in Components:Use useDispatch and useSelector hooks from react-redux in components.Dispatch actions (e.g., addToWishlist, removeFromWishlist) based on user interactions....

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