Approach to generate a random String in Ruby

When you need to generate a random alphanumeric string of a specified length in Ruby, you have a couple of options.

If you are using Ruby version >= 2.5, Ruby, you can simply go with:


For older versions, you can utilize a little numeric conversion hack: integer#to_s method accepts an argument representing the base.

For example:

13.to_s(2) # = “1101” in binary
13.to_s(16) # = “d” in hex

How to generate a random String in Ruby?

In this article, we will learn how to generate a random String in Ruby.

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When you need to generate a random alphanumeric string of a specified length in Ruby, you have a couple of options....

Custom String generator:

Ruby class Generator # Define CHARSET by merging character ranges # and converting them to arrays CHARSET = [('0'..'9'), ('a'..'z'), ('A'..'Z')].flat_map(&:to_a) # Constructor method to initialize # the Generator object def initialize(length:, exceptions: []) @length = length # Create allowed_charset by removing # exception characters from CHARSET @allowed_charset = CHARSET - exceptions end # Method to generate a random string of # specified length using the allowed character set def perform # Generate an array of length @length, # where each element is a random # character from @allowed_charset random_string = { @allowed_charset.sample } # Join the array elements to form # a single string and return it random_string.join end end # Create an instance of Generator with # length 10 and exceptions for characters # that might be confused generator = 10, exceptions: ['1', 'I', 'l', '0', 'o', 'O']) # Generate and print a single random string puts generator.perform # Create another instance of Generator # with the same specifications better_generator = 10, exceptions: ['1', 'I', 'l', '0', 'o', 'O']) # Generate an array of 3 random # strings and print them puts (1..3).map { better_generator.perform }...