Approach to implement Add to Cart Functionality

  • Create five folders named Cart, Components, Pages, Reducer and Slices in src directory and create index.jsx and RenderCartItems.jsx in Cart, Product_card.jsx in Components, Home.jsx in Pages, index.jsx in Reducer and CartSlice.jsx in Slices respectively.
  • Implement store inside index.js file as given in example.
  • Implement cartReducer inside index.js file in reducer folder.
  • Create CartSlice.jsx in Slices folder and implement functionality of add to cart and remove from cart in it.
  • Create Home.jsx page in Pages folder and fetch product details.
  • Inside Cart folder create index.js and RenderCartItems.jsx to create UI for cart.
  • In last step we will call Home page and cart in App.js file.

Implementing Add to Cart functionality using Redux toolkit in React

Add To Cart functionality is one of the important components of the E-commerce platform. In this article, we are going to learn how to implement Add to Cart functionality using React JS and Redux Toolkit.

Preview of final output: Let us have a look at how the final output will look like.

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Approach to implement Add to Cart Functionality:

Create five folders named Cart, Components, Pages, Reducer and Slices in src directory and create index.jsx and RenderCartItems.jsx in Cart, Product_card.jsx in Components, Home.jsx in Pages, index.jsx in Reducer and CartSlice.jsx in Slices respectively. Implement store inside index.js file as given in example. Implement cartReducer inside index.js file in reducer folder. Create CartSlice.jsx in Slices folder and implement functionality of add to cart and remove from cart in it. Create Home.jsx page in Pages folder and fetch product details. Inside Cart folder create index.js and RenderCartItems.jsx to create UI for cart. In last step we will call Home page and cart in App.js file....

Steps to Create and Configure React App with redux toolkit

Step 1: Create a react app using command “npx create-react-app app-name”....