Approach to Implement Pagination and Infinite Scrolling


  • Three state variables to maintain – page, numberOfPages, data
    • const [page, setPage] = useState(1) to manage current page
    • const [numberOfPages, setNumberOfPages] = useState(0) – to manage total number of pages
    • const [data, setData] = useState([]) – to manage the data for the current page
  • Get data from the data file or api inside useEffect() hook using callback function
    • Add page and numberOfPages as dependency in useEffect() hook
  • onClick() function on next and previous button to move to different pages
    • Previous button should be disabled when user is on first page
    • Next button should disabled when user is on last page
  • Data received from file or api are to be mapped to specific UI Element
  • Add CSS styles

Infinite Scrolling:

  • Four state variables to maintain – loadedData, page, moreData, loading
    • const [loadedData, setLoadedData] = useState([]) – to manage already loaded data
    • const [page, setPage] = useState(1) – to manage current page
    • const [moreData, setMoreData] = useState(true) – to check if response has more data or not
    • const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false) – to track whether data has fully loaded or not
  • useEffect() used for two purpose –
    • to set values of state variables
    • to add event listener to the scroll event
  • Fetch more data when user scrolls to the end of the page
  • Map the fetched data to specific UI Elements
  • Add CSS Styles

Implementing Pagination and Infinite Scrolling with React Hooks

This article will discuss pagination and infinite scrolling. These concepts are commonly used in web applications to enhance the user experience. Pagination and infinite scrolling both help in the efficient handling of huge data sizes.

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