Approach to make search function

We’re making a web application using Express.js and connecting it to a MySQL database. When users visit the ‘/search’ route and provide a search term as a parameter, the app looks for that term in the database. If there’s an error, we log it and send a 500 error. If not, we send back the search results in JSON format. We’re using Node.js with Express for all this.

How to Make a search function using Node Express and MYSQL

In this article, we will learn how to create a search function using Node with Express framework to search terms inside MYSQL tables.

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MySQL Node JS Express JS...

Approach to make search function:

We’re making a web application using Express.js and connecting it to a MySQL database. When users visit the ‘/search’ route and provide a search term as a parameter, the app looks for that term in the database. If there’s an error, we log it and send a 500 error. If not, we send back the search results in JSON format. We’re using Node.js with Express for all this....

Steps to Create a Express application:

Step 1: Initialize npm (node package manager) using the following command...

Project Structure:

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Approach 1: Searching term with partial match:

It performs a partial match on ‘name’ column using LIKE and % wildcard in SQL query. Search the term with partial match in ‘name‘ column using the following query. The LIKE operator with search term surrounded by % allows for a partial match ( const searchValue = `%${searchTerm}%`; )....

Approach 2: Searching term with exact matching


Approach 3: Searching term in multiple columns

Search the term with exact match in ‘name‘ column using the following query. The = operator finds the exact match only....