Approach to upload Image to MongoDB using only NextJS 14

  • The project connects to MongoDB using Mongoose and implements GridFS for file storage. It defines a schema for posts with name and imageUrl fields.
  • The API includes a POST endpoint to handle form data, upload images to GridFS, and save posts to MongoDB, as well as a GET endpoint to fetch all posts.
  • Another route is provided for fetching and deleting specific images from GridFS and MongoDB. On the frontend, react-hook-form is used for form submissions, with FileReader handling image previews.
  • The NewPost component includes a form for inputting post details and uploading images, displaying a preview upon file selection. The Home page renders the NewPost component.

How to Upload Image to MongoDB using Only NextJS 13.4?

Next.js is a React framework that enables functionality such as server-side rendering and generating static websites. MongoDB is a NoSQL database that stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents. Combining Next.js with MongoDB allows you to build full-stack applications where the backend interacts directly with the database and serves dynamic content to the frontend.

Uploading images to MongoDB using only Next.js 13.4 involves setting up a server-side route to handle the image upload and storing the image in MongoDB. In this article, we will learn how to upload an image to MongoDB using NextJS 13.

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Approach to upload Image to MongoDB using only NextJS 13.4

The project connects to MongoDB using Mongoose and implements GridFS for file storage. It defines a schema for posts with name and imageUrl fields. The API includes a POST endpoint to handle form data, upload images to GridFS, and save posts to MongoDB, as well as a GET endpoint to fetch all posts. Another route is provided for fetching and deleting specific images from GridFS and MongoDB. On the frontend, react-hook-form is used for form submissions, with FileReader handling image previews. The NewPost component includes a form for inputting post details and uploading images, displaying a preview upon file selection. The Home page renders the NewPost component....

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In conclusion, integrating Next.js with MongoDB allows for the development of full-stack web applications with dynamic content management and storage capabilities. By following the outlined steps, including setting up the MongoDB connection, defining schemas, creating API routes, building UI components, and integrating them into pages, you can efficiently handle tasks like image uploads to MongoDB within a Next.js 13.4 project. This combination enables the creation of robust, scalable, and responsive web applications with server-side rendering and static site generation capabilities, suitable for a wide range of modern web development needs....