Area Formulas

The formula to calculate the area of various figures is,






r = Radius of the circle



b = Base

h = Height



a = Length of the side



l = Length

b = Breadth



d1 and d2 

are the lengths of two diagonals



b = Base

h = Height (distance between two parallel bases)


Area is the measure of the space occupied by the boundary of the shape. It is the total space occupied by the given figure and it is measured in unit square. The number of the unit square covered inside the figure is referred to as the area of the figure. The standard unit of the area is unit2, i.e. m2, cm2, etc. 

In this article, we will learn about, what is the area, its unit, areas of various shapes, areas of complex shapes, solved examples related to the area, and others in detail.

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