Array within a Structure

A structure is a data type in C that allows a group of related variables to be treated as a single unit instead of separate entities. A structure may contain elements of different data types – int, char, float, double, etc. It may also contain an array as its member. Such an array is called an array within a structure. An array within a structure is a member of the structure and can be accessed just as we access other elements of the structure.

Below is a demonstration of a program that uses the concept of the array within a structure. The program displays the record of a student comprising the roll number, grade, and marks secured in various subjects. The marks in various subjects have been stored under an array called marks. The whole record is stored under a structure called a candidate.


The below program demonstrates the use of an array within a structure.


// C program to demonstrate the
// use of an array within a structure
#include <stdio.h>
// Declaration of the structure candidate
struct candidate {
    int roll_no;
    char grade;
    // Array within the structure
    float marks[4];
// Function to displays the content of
// the structure variables
void display(struct candidate a1)
    printf("Roll number : %d\n", a1.roll_no);
    printf("Grade : %c\n", a1.grade);
    printf("Marks secured:\n");
    int i;
    int len = sizeof(a1.marks) / sizeof(float);
    // Accessing the contents of the
    // array within the structure
    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        printf("Subject %d : %.2f\n", i + 1, a1.marks[i]);
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Initialize a structure
    struct candidate A = { 1, 'A', { 98.5, 77, 89, 78.5 } };
    // Function to display structure
    return 0;


Roll number : 1
Grade : A
Marks secured:
Subject 1 : 98.50
Subject 2 : 77.00
Subject 3 : 89.00
Subject 4 : 78.50

Array of Structures vs Array within a Structure in C

Both Array of Structures and Array within a Structure in C programming is a combination of arrays and structures but both are used to serve different purposes.

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