Article 188: Oath or Affirmation by the Members

“Legislative assembly or legislative council of a state shall, before taking his seat, make and subscribe before the governor, or some person appointed in that behalf by him, an oath or affirmation according to the form set out for the purpose in the Third Schedule”

Let us understand the above statement in more depth

The above statement states that the members of the legislative assembly or legislative council of a state will take an oath according to the given format in the presence of the governor or any other person appointed in his behalf.

In this oath, a member of state legislature swears:

  • to undergo true faith in the constitution of India.
  • to maintain the sovereignty and integrity of India.
  • to faithfully and consistently discharge the duties of his office.

Article 188 of the Constitution of India

Article 188 of the Constitution of India: In our constitution, there are 395 articles in 22 parts that are necessary to be followed by each and every citizen of India. So In this particular article, we are going to learn about Article 188 of the Indian Constitution. This particular article will contain the official text written about article 188 and help you understand the topic in more depth.

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Article 188: Oath or Affirmation by the Members

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A person is liable to a penalty of Rs. 500 for each day he sits or votes as a member of a house before taking the prescribed oath or affirmation. If a member does not take oath he/she can not vote and participate in the proceedings of the house and does not become eligible to the privileges of the state legislature....

Frequently Asked Questions on Article 188

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