Article 29 of the Indian Constitution: Protection of Interests of Minorities

Article 29 protects educational rights of minorities. Article 29 provide rights to minority to conserve their language, culture and caste. Article 29(1) and Article 29(2) are present in Article 29 .

Article 29(1)

This state that every group of society who follows distinct culture and language have rights to protect their culture and language.

Article 29(2)

The state shall not deny admission of any person into an educational institution(whether it is maintained government or any private institution) on the basis of their race, caste, religion , language.

Article 29: Protection of Interests of Minorities

Article 29 of the Indian Constitution talks about the Protection of Interests of Minorities. This article makes sure that any minority section should never be suppressed by the upper section of society. This article was introduced on 26 April 1975. Article 29 has two important divisions which first state that every citizen who is living in India and follows a distinct language, script, or culture has the right to conserve these, and second states that no citizen shall be denied admission into any institutional organization on the basis of religion, race, caste, language or any of them. Article 29 and 30 falls under the category of Cultural & Educational Rights.

Table of Content

  • What are Cultural and Educational Rights?
  • Which Section of Society Falls Under the Minority?
  • Article 29 of the Indian Constitution: Protection of Interests of Minorities
  • Case Raised Against Article 29
  • Similarity Between Article 29 and Article 30 of the Constitution

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What are Cultural and Educational Rights?

In our constitution, Cultural and Educational Rights are preserved under articles 29 and 30. The constitution makers were aware of the fact that a minor section of society would remain undeveloped or would be suppressed by the upper class of society. To avoid this situation it was necessary to protect the interests of minority groups. All sections of society who follow different cultures, religions, or languages should never be discriminated against....

Which Section of Society Falls Under the Minority?

The term minority is not mentioned in the Constitution. In the case of the Kerala Education bill, the court decided that any section of society having less than fifty percent of the total population of the state can be declared as a minority. We can define a minority group as a section of society that has less number of people than the majority group and they are different from the majority in terms of religion, language, race, and caste....

Article 29 of the Indian Constitution: Protection of Interests of Minorities

Article 29 protects educational rights of minorities. Article 29 provide rights to minority to conserve their language, culture and caste. Article 29(1) and Article 29(2) are present in Article 29 ....

Case Raised Against Article 29

State of Madras vs Champakam Dorairajan (1951)...

Similarity Between Article 29 and Article 30 of the Constitution

Cultural and Educational Rights are provided both under Article 29 and Article 30 of the Indian Constitution. Both these articles protects the language , culture and script of a minority section. Educational institutes have no rights to stop any person from following his culture , language and caste or deny admission based on these. Article 30 talks about the right of minorities to establish and administer educational institutes and Article 29 talks about the Protection of Interests of Minorities. These rights are necessary for altogether development of minority section of society....

FAQs – Article 29 of the Indian Constitution

1. Is Article 29 only for Minorities?...