Ascending Order and Descending Order

Descending order is the opposite of ascending order.

Let’s discuss the differences between the ascending order and the descending order.

Difference between Increasing and Decreasing Order

Increasing Order

Decreasing Order

In ascending order, the number are arranged in order from smaller to larger. In descending order, the numbers are arranged in order from larger to smaller.
The two consecutive numbers are in ascending order. The second number is always greater than the first number. The two consecutive numbers are in descending order. The second number is always less than the first number.

It is represented using “<” the symbol.

It is represented using “>” the symbol.

For example, in ascending order, the numbers are arranged as, 

2 < 4 < 6 < 8

For example, in ascending order, the numbers are arranged as, 

8 > 6 > 4 > 2

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Ascending Order

Ascending order refers to arranging items in a sequence where the smallest, first, or earliest element appears at the top of the list. When sorting numbers or amounts, this means arranging them from smallest to largest, with lower numbers or amounts listed first. Similarly, when sorting letters or words, items are arranged alphabetically from A to Z.

In simple words, Ascending Order is the arrangement of objects in a sequence such that the next element is always greater than the previous one. It is also called increasing order. In this article, we will study how to arrange numbers in ascending order, with the help of solved examples.

Table of Content

  • Ascending Order Meaning
  • What is Increasing Order?
  • Ascending Order on Number Line
  • How to Arrange Numbers in Increasing Order?
  • Ascending Order and Descending Order
  • Ascending Order Worksheet

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