Aspirations and Goals of a Society

Many modern constitutions, like the Indian Constitution, go beyond limiting government power and enable positive measures to address societal inequalities and aspirations.

Whether striving for social justice or economic equality, a constitution empowers the government to pursue these goals, reflecting the collective aspirations of the society.

Class 11 Polity Chapter 1: Why do we Need a Constitution

A constitution serves as the foundational framework upon which a society is built, providing structure, order, and guidance for its members. Let’s delve into why a constitution is essential for the functioning of any society.

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Why do we Need a Constitution?

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Constitution Allows Coordination and Assurance

Imagine being part of a diverse group with varying religious beliefs, professions, and socio-economic backgrounds. In such a group, disputes over various aspects of life are inevitable. How much property should one own? Should education be mandatory?...

Specification of Decision-Making Powers

A constitution determines who has the authority to make decisions and enact laws within a society. Whether through a monarch, single party, or democratic process, the constitution allocates power and outlines the mechanisms for decision-making....

Limitations on the Powers of Government

In addition to allocating power, a constitution sets limits on what the government can impose on its citizens....

Aspirations and Goals of a Society

Many modern constitutions, like the Indian Constitution, go beyond limiting government power and enable positive measures to address societal inequalities and aspirations....

Fundamental Identity of a People

Lastly, a constitution expresses the fundamental identity of a people, shaping their political, moral, and collective identity. By agreeing to a set of norms and principles, individuals form a collective identity rooted in shared values and aspirations....


In essence, a constitution is not merely a legal document; it is the soul of a society, guiding its governance, protecting individual rights, and expressing its collective identity. Without a constitution, societies risk descending into chaos and injustice, lacking the fundamental framework necessary for cohesion and progress....

Why do we Need a Constitution- FAQs

What is a constitution, and why is it important?...