Asymmetric Round Ciphers

Asymmetric round ciphers use a pair of keys: one for the public which will be utilized in the encryption process and the other one will be secret and will be used for the decryption process. These ciphers are more complex to solve and are normally used for processing small amounts of data that include the exchange of symmetric keys or even digital signatures. Examples include:

  • RSA: Due to this factoring large integers is a very hard problem, RSA key pairs are comprised of two keys and are popular for data transfer security.
  • Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC): Employ the notion of elliptic curves to achieve security of the same level as RSA but using shorter key sizes, hence providing more efficiency.

It is rather evident that asymmetric ciphers are not defined in the context of Round ciphers, however, it can be seen that they contain the notion of iterative steps and a series of mathematical calculations all serving to protect data.

What is Round Cipher?

Round ciphers are also known as block ciphers, and they are a classification of encryption algorithms that work systematically, converting the plaintext into ciphertext. These algorithms work on a limited number of bits at a time and subject them to a set of mathematical processes called rounds which are used to bring about the act of encryption. It continually becomes progressively more rigid to attack the data without the correct key, each round is added to the security of the data. These are the operation sequences of a round that include substitution, permutation, key mixing, and input data.

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