Asymmetrical federalism in India

What is Asymmetrical Federalism?

  • It refers to federalism based on unequal power distribution and relationships in political, administrative and financial arrangements between the units/ regions that make a federation.
  • The asymmetry can be seen in a federation in both vertical (between Center and states) and horizontal (among the states) perspectives.

Instances of Asymmetrical federalism in India

  • India has a strong Union. During Emergency situations, the Union has the authority to override over the States to tackle adverse situations. The power to initiate a constitutional amendment also lies with the Union.
  • Introduction of special provisions for States or regions of States that are socio-economically backward, have security challenges, difficult geographical conditions, predominance of tribal populations with distinct identity and cultures, etc.
  • Allocation of Parliamentary seats to the States is on the basis of population aka it is not uniform.
  • The Sixth Schedule provides special provisions for and autonomy to tribal areas in 4 northeastern States.
  • Special Category Status (SCS) have been given to 12 States in order to financially assist the States that are at a relative disadvantage to others due to various factors.

Why is Asymmetrical Federalism seen in India?

  1. Political Reasons: The States having a dominant population of historically backward/ indigenous communities, have been given special provisions to avoid any separatist tendencies they may develop and to preserve the unity and integrity of the nation. This has led to greater autonomy for states included in sixth schedule, special powers to J&K under article 370, union territories in India, greater powers to Centre vis-à-vis state to ensure uniformity and unity etc.
  2. Social Reasons: Social development has not been uniform across the country; The Southern region is more developed in terms of high literacy rate, better healthcare etc., therefore special provisions, like protection to certain tribal areas in the country, were granted in favor of the States lagging behind.
  3. Economic Reasons: Economic growth has been geographically uneven in India which has also led to asymmetrical federalism; For e.g.- Special category provisions given to some states with higher share of Central government in Centrally Sponsored Schemes.

Class 11 Polity Notes: Special Provisions to some States

India is a very diverse country comprising people from different communities and tribes. This diversity is a boon if strengthened through constitutional recognition and this is what the lawmakers aim to do with constitutional amendments. Diversity also means that not everyone has equal opportunities and resources to move forward and keeping this in mind, India has established special provisions for 12 states, to provide for the aspirations of people in backward regions and protect the cultural and economic interests of these states.

This article discusses the Special Provisions given to these states in Articles 371 to 371-J in Part XXI of the Indian constitution, and other aspects related to this topic. Please go through this article for more details.

Class 11 Polity Notes: Special Provisions to some States

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