Automated Testing Overview

Automated testing consists of various types including unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests. While Unit tests focus on individual components ensuring their functionality. Integration tests verify the interaction between different components and end-to-end tests validate the entire system’s behavior. Running tests automatically involves integrating testing tools into the CI pipeline executing these tests upon code changes and obtaining timely feedback on code quality and functionality.

How to Setup Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration (CI) is a crucial practice in modern software development, fostering a streamlined and collaborative workflow. It involves the frequent integration of code changes into a shared repository, enabling rapid feedback, early bug detection, and efficient collaboration among development teams.

In simpler words, Continuous Integration (CI) is a software development practice that revolves around the frequent and automated integration of code changes into a shared repository. The primary objective is to detect and address integration issues early in the development process. Developers commit code changes to a version control system (e.g. Git) and automated build and test processes are triggered to ensure the reliability and consistency of the codebase.

How to Setup Continuous Integration

Table of Content

  • Automated Testing as the Foundation for Continuous Integration
  • Automated Testing Overview
  • Different Types of Tests:
  • How to Run Your Tests Automatically?
  • Find untested code by using code coverage:
  • Success Factors While Adopting Continuous Integration:
  • Steps to Setup Continuous Integration:
  • Conclusion:
  • FAQ’s on Continuous integration

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Automated Testing as the Foundation for Continuous Integration

The foundation of Continuous Integration lies in automated testing. This initial step involves the establishment of an automated testing framework laying the groundwork for a CI pipeline. Automated tests are fundamental to Continuous Integration as they validate code changes systematically....

Automated Testing Overview

Automated testing consists of various types including unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests. While Unit tests focus on individual components ensuring their functionality. Integration tests verify the interaction between different components and end-to-end tests validate the entire system’s behavior. Running tests automatically involves integrating testing tools into the CI pipeline executing these tests upon code changes and obtaining timely feedback on code quality and functionality....

Different Types of Tests:


How to Run Your Tests Automatically?

It is necessary to run your tests on each change that is pushed back to the main branch to implement continuous integration. You will require a service that can keep an eye on your repository and hear about fresh pushes to the codebase to accomplish this. Both on-premises and in the cloud, there are numerous options from which to select. When choosing your server, keep the following things in mind:...

Find untested code by using code coverage:

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Success Factors While Adopting Continuous Integration:

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Steps to Setup Continuous Integration:

Below listed are the steps to setup continuous integration...


Implementing Continuous Integration is a crucial step toward improving the efficiency and reliability of your software development process. By automating builds, running tests, and catching issues early, CI contributes to a more robust and stable codebase. Choose the right tools for your project, follow best practices, and continuously refine your CI setup to ensure a seamless development workflow....

FAQ’s on Continuous integration

Question 1: What is the role of a Version Control System (VCS) in setting up Continuous Integration?...