Automation Testing Interview Questions for Intermediate

Here in this section, we have filtered automated interview questions for intermediate candidates. Go through this section to get a hand on all the intermediate questions for an automated software tester.

17. Mention different parts of the Test Automation Framework.

Six major components of the test automation framework are:

  1. System to be tested: The subsystems of the system to be tested must be stable before the start of the automation test project.
  2. Testing platform: The testing platform on which the system will be tested must be in place to carry out the test automation project.
  3. Test case library: The test case library is useful to compile the libraries of reusable test steps of basic utilities that are to be used as the building blocks of automated test scripts.
  4. Automated testing practice: The procedure describing how to automate test cases using test tools and test libraries must be documented.
  5. Testing tools: Different tools like test automation tools, traffic generation tools, and traffic monitoring tools, support tools are required for the development of test scripts.
  6. Test administrator: The test administrator manages the test case libraries, test platforms, and test tools. It is also responsible for maintaining an inventory of templates, providing tutorials, etc.

18. Should you automate all testing?

Automated testing no doubt saves a lot of time and effort but it is impractical to automate all forms of testing. User interface testing, accessibility testing, and usability testing are some forms of testing that cannot be automated and can only be carried out by human testers.

19. What is Cross-browser Testing?

Browser compatibility or cross-browser testing is a process of evaluating whether the functionality of a web application remains consistent when the end-user visits your web application from a different browser.

  • It is also used to validate browser compatibility for desktop and web applications.
  • Some of the cross-browser testing tools are Sauce Labs, Browsershots, Browsera, Selenium Box, etc.

20. List some best practices in Test Automation.

  • Create an Automation Test Plan: Develop a plan outlining the strategy for identification and an approach for automation.
  • Identify test cases that can be automated: Identify the test cases that can be automated as not all test cases can be automated and should not be automated.
  • Test early and frequently: Starting testing early and running tests, again and again, will help to find more defects.
  • Create test data: Test data should be created carefully that exercises most parts of the application including boundary conditions and edge cases.
  • Select appropriate tools and frameworks: It is best to choose an automated testing tool that not only supports your application’s technology but should also be updated to support the latest technologies.

21. What is Test Automation Pyramid?

Testing Pyramid also known as Test Automation Pyramid describes the test types that the development and QA team should include in an automated test suite.

  • The purpose of the test automation pyramid is to provide rapid feedback to ensure that code changes do not impact the existing functionality.
  • It minimizes the time required for the developers to determine if an update was introduced.

22. What are the risks associated with Automated Testing?

  1. Unrealistic expectation: Automation testing tools do not make a difficult test problem into an easy one so unrealistic expectation from the tool is the first and foremost risk.
  2. Vendor issues: A free tool is made licensed over the course of time due to the inability to update the automation tools with changes in the software testing platform.
  3. Maintainability of test scripts: In automation testing, it is important to carefully design maintainable, robust, and modular frameworks so that the test scripts and data could be reused and reduce the risk of lack of maintainability of scripts.
  4. Underestimating the need for manual testing: As an automation test engineer it is important to understand that not all tests can be automated. With repetitive automated tests, there might be an issue called “Pesticide Paradox” where we do not find any new issues.

23. When will you not Automate Testing?

  • Tests that require user experience: Tests that require a user to respond as to how easy the app is to use cannot be automated.
  • Tests that will be executed one time: Tests that will be run only one time should not be automated as it will unnecessarily increase the project budget.
  • Tests that cannot be automated 100%: Tests that cannot be automated 100% should not be automated at all.
  • Tests that don’t focus on risk areas: Tests that don’t focus on risk areas of the application should not be automated at all.

24. How can you speed up an Auto Test Suite?

  1. Reduce tests through AI: Tests through UI are generally slower so it is better to convert UI tests to API and unit tests wherever possible.
  2. Parallelize your tests: Overall time needed to run the tests can be reduced by running tests in parallel.
  3. Use Cloud-based testing solution: With the cloud-based testing solution tests can be executed on real devices in the cloud. A cloud-based approach can be faster and more reliable.
  4. Invest in Continuous Integration: Continuous integration helps to reduce the time it takes to run your test suite by automating the build, testing, and deployment process.
  5. Focus on critical functionality: It is a better option to focus on automating the most critical functionality instead of automating every single feature of your application.

25. Is automated testing making manual testing obsolete?

Automated testing is not making Manual testing obsolete. Although automated tests help to avoid regression issues there are some types of testing like usability testing, and accessibility testing that needs to be performed by a human tester.

  • Automation testing helps to test repeatable test cases which can be reproduced deterministically.
  • It helps to reduce the amount of manual testing required but it does not eliminate it.

26. What is UI Testing?

UI Testing is User Interface Testing a type of software testing that ensures the UI of a website is user-friendly and meets the expected customer requirements.

  • It evaluates the design of elements such as layout, colors, fonts, font sizes, etc.
  • It allows testing of the functionality from the user’s perspective.

27. What is Protractor?

Protractor is an Automation testing framework that is written using NodeJS and offers combined end-to-end testing for web applications that are built using AngularJS. It supports both Angular and Non-Angular applications.

  • The purpose is not only to test AngularJS applications but also to write automated regression tests for normal web applications.
  • It automatically executes the next step in tests the moment the webpage finishes the pending tasks.

28. Is Documentation necessary in Automation Testing?

Documentation plays a vital role in Test Automation. Having well-written documentation explains not only what, but also why it is important for the team members when they try to understand the tests. It is important to document all the procedures and methods, to ensure test repeatability.

29. What are the Pros of Selenium?

  • Open-source: Selenium is freeware and a portable tool that can be downloaded freely and community-based support is freely available.
  • Simultaneous execution of test cases: Selenium supports simultaneous execution of test cases in multiple environments and browsers.
  • Supports multiple operating systems: Selenium can operate and support multiple operating systems like Windows, Mac, Linux, and Unix. The test suite can be created across any platform and then can be executed on another one.
  • Supports tools to diagnose failures: Selenium provides tools that are needed to diagnose the failures and rebuild a similar environment for new test execution.
  • Saves time: Selenium Grid saves time as it uses a Hub-Node design.
  • Captures screenshots: Selenium captures the screenshot of browsers at different stages of test case execution.

30. What are the Limitations of Selenium?

  • No support for desktop applications: Selenium does not support testing for desktop applications.
  • Expertise: Selenium requires the expertise of your team — and resources to manage.
  • Maintenance and Scalability: Selenium is a maintenance-heavy framework — and is difficult to scale as one grows.
  • Open Source Forums: Since Selenium is open-source software, one has to rely on community forums to get your technical issues resolved.
  • No support for REST and SOAP Platforms: We can’t perform automation tests on web services like SOAP or REST using Selenium.
  • No Reporting capability: Selenium does not have any inbuilt reporting capability, one has to rely on plug-ins like JUnit and TestNG for test reports.

31. What are the features of a Good Automation Framework?

  1. Ease of use: The testing framework should be easy to use, starting with the installation and ending with user-friendly test reports.
  2. Reliability: The testing framework should be reliable and should be tested with the aim of preventing it from crashing.
  3. Reporting: Reporting is one of the important features of the testing framework. Test reports that are unreadable, and vague, make even the best test cases useless.
  4. Integration: The testing framework should be easy to integrate with other tools.
  5. Portability: The testing framework must be usable on different OS and different environments.

32. Is Automation Testing a Black box testing or White box Testing technique?

Automation testing is mostly black-box testing as only the steps that a manual tester performs for software without knowledge of the code of the application are programmed.

33. What is Continuous Integration?

Continuous Integration is a practice in which the team of developers intermittently merges the code changes into the shared repository. In this developers are integrating multiple times throughout the day and committing to changes about once a day or a few times a week.

34. What is Continuous Delivery?

Continuous delivery lets automated testing developers to test beyond unit tests and helps them to verify the application updates across multiple dimensions before deploying to customers. With this every code change is built, tested, and then pushed to non-production testing.

35. What is the scripting standard followed while performing Automation Testing?

  • Uniformity in naming convention.
  • Adequate indentation.
  • Robust error handling.
  • Ability to recover easily.
  • Commenting on functionality whenever and wherever necessary.

36. Is it possible to conduct Automation testing without a framework?

Automation testing can be done without a testing framework but it is not recommended. The automation testing framework guides testers on how to execute the scripts, how to report the results, where to store them, etc. In short, the testing framework is like a blueprint.

37. Why do we need Cross-Browser testing?

Cross-browser testing helps to ensure that the application or the website delivers an optimal user experience independent of the browser that is used to access it. It helps to create a positive user experience on the website, no matter which browser or device the user uses to connect.

38. List the programming languages supported by Selenium Webdriver.

Selenium Webdriver supports programming languages:

Top 50 Automation Testing Interview Questions 2024 Updated

Automation testing is an important aspect of software development, ensuring the quality and reliability of applications through efficient testing processes. Automation testing has become essential in modern software development cycles with the rise of agile methodologies and continuous integration practices. Automation testing is a dynamic software testing technique that seamlessly executes a test case suite using specialized automated testing software tools. In contrast, manual testing relies on human interaction, with testers diligently conducting test processes before a computer.

In this article, where we’ve covered the top 50 automated testing questions essential for your next software tester job interview. Prepare yourself with the knowledge and insights needed to ace your interview and propel your testing career to new heights!

Automation Testing Interview Questions 2023

Table of Content

  • Automation Testing Interview Questions for Freshers
  • Automation Testing Interview Questions for Intermediate
  • Automation Testing Interview Questions for Experienced

Nowadays, automation testing is a full-fledged vocation in the software industry. Automation testing professionals collaborate with the development team to complete projects on time. Here are the top 40 Automation Testing Interview Questions you should know before your next interview.

This Top Automation Testing Interview Questions article covers all the basic to advanced Interview questions on Automation Testing, divided into fresher, intermediate, and experienced levels. By practising these questions, you can boost your confidence and excel in your upcoming automation testing interview.

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