Autosomal Recessive Inheritance

Autosomal Recessive Inheritance means the inheritance that is coming from the parents to the children with the help of autosomal recessive genes. In the autosomes, there are 22 pairs of chromosomes. On each chromosome, there are two pairs of genes. These genes are responsible for making the character of the individual. Now, the pattern of the genes should be considered. The pattern of genes will make the identity of the individual.

Two parents have a particular pattern of genes on their chromosomes. These genes are identifying a particular feature of the body. Both parents have the same pattern of genes. Having the dominant gene along with the recessive gene will only bring out the feature of the dominant gene. So, the parents are showing the identity of the dominant gene in their bodies. Now, after mating between these parents, there is a probability of having four offspring with different combinations of the genes.

There may be an offspring who only has the dominant gene in its chromosome. There may be two offspring who can have a dominant gene along with the recessive gene. Same as the combination of the parents. Also, there may be a chance of having one offspring who has two recessive genes on its chromosome. Having offspring of such a combination is known as autosomal recessive inheritance. As the offspring who has two recessive genes will show up the characteristics of the recessive gene on the body. As it will get the autosomal recessive characters from the parents. So, it is called Autosomal Recessive Inheritance.

The offspring that has two dominant genes are known as the Normal offspring. The offspring that has the dominant gene along with the recessive gene is known as the Carrier offspring. As they have the recessive gene on their chromosome. But the gene can’t able to show up its character due to the presence of the dominant gene. The offspring who have two recessive genes in their chromosome is known as the Affected offspring. Sometimes the recessive genes can carry the genes of some special diseases. So, after mating between two carrier parents, there is a 25% chance of having a Normal offspring, a 50% chance of Carrier offspring & 25% chance of an Affected offspring.

Autosomal Recessive Inheritance

Every human being is different from others. But it is quite strange that every human has a specific number of ears, eyes, nose, etc. But having the same number of organs, every human doesn’t resemble a similar one. There is a process that is responsible for this type of variation, this is known as mutation. Also, a child mostly has similarities with his parents. The skin color or eye color is mostly the same for every child. This similarity comes from the process known as Inheritance. Inheritance is the key element in nature. This helps to transfer the unique identification of the parents to their children. Unique identification is processed by the chromosomes. These are the carrier of the genes. The genes are unique for each identity.

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FAQs on Autosomal Recessive Inheritance

Question 1: What is the chance of having the combination of the recessive genes when a Normal father and Affected mother mate?...