Autostart Malware –

The legitimate process of killing a malware is to first identify the malicious driver or process and then terminate them. Now the question is how to identify the suspicious process, then there are some underlying points are being enumerated which help to point out a malicious process. We have look for the process which has no icon, unsigned certificated, strange URL, no description of the company, etc. Hence in this regard, the Autorun typically invoke the essential system services by mean of Autostart services, and drivers too during a computer booting phase. But hackers often wield it in a different manner by surreptitiously run a camouflage unsolicited service without the permission and cognizance of the user. Furthermore, it makes an entry of itself into the boot startup database routinely.

For more information refers to the startup tab being shown in above figure, which can be view by the StartUp tab of msconfig.exe utility in the Windows operating system to monitor what process is currently being started intentionally or inadvertently. Hackers typically infected the umpteen of a target’s machine by deploying their malicious software, sometimes referred to as a botnet, that is shipped with software bundled in the disk drive freely offered by computer magazine and rogue organization. The movement a user inserts the CD-ROM in the disk drive, the windows autostart service initiates the malicious software automatically by exploiting the Autorun feature of Windows operating software that enables to run software located in Pen or disk drive automatically.
Moreover, sometimes organizations lured the innocent targets by providing them free Pen drive to run their mischievous software. So, it is highly recommended to disable the autorun feature by default in order to subvert surreptitious attacks more often attacks executed by mean of Pen and disk drives.

Note : System administrators often use the Autorun to capture a baseline of ASEP on a computer that can be associated with comparing with the later captured results for troubleshooting purposes.

Autoruns internal –
Hackers can easily implant malware into the target computer or manipulate the existing services by hooking into it. In this connection, the system administrator often relied on the publisher’s certificate or status to identify the nature of any running services in pursuit of malware. But hackers can overcome this hurdle too by easily camouflaged their evil service under a renowned publisher such as “Microsoft Corporation” etc..
So, the digital signature is the only rescuer leftovers to be fully assured with file integrity and authenticity as it gives a higher degree of assurance about a file. We can, therefore, verify the authenticity of an entry through Verify Image option from the Entry menu by selecting a particular entry that eventually yields the results as follows in below figure; If the file is verified from a trusted code signed authority that derived from CA, the Publisher tab text shows results accordingly as follows –

Moreover, entries can also be deleted by unchecking the checkbox, however, deleted entries could not recover later due to not having undo option. The services will not automatically start during booting after disabling an autostart entry. But, it does not delete the ASEP of the corresponding target file. It is, however, highly recommended that the deletion of an entry should be done with caution as you can put the computer into an unstable state in which recovery is not possible.

Autoruns Components –
There is a long list of components of Autoruns including Boot, Services, Explorer, WinLogon, Drivers, etc. will be displayed in various tabs the movement it initialized. Hence, this section elaborates important components only from total 19 tabs due to the triviality of remaining.
First of all the Logon tab, that shows the details when windows startup and a user login as well as display the ASEP used by the application. It also includes various Run and RunOnce keys, startup directories, and shutdown scripts.
Secondly, the system services that are typically configured in the subkey of HKLM/System/CurrentControlSet\Services, the Autoruns enlist all the enabled services of a system either they are related to a process and others. It delineates the path, publishers, and other important information as being displayed in the image below.

Another interesting feature is KnowDLLs that improves system performance by confining all the process to utilize the same version of DLL as it contains only verified windows DLLs. It will also associate with malware detection when the hacker deleted any underlining DLL and try to deploy its own version. We can easily identify the vicious file by comparing the save Autoruns results to a known-good instance of the same operating system.

The system drivers being loaded during system boot as shown in the below figure typically runs in kernel mode, which enables them to interact with various hardware, storage, etc. So, the autoruns displays only the drivers that are marked as enabled with the description, path, and other important connotation. The Autoruns are also assisted to disable and delete drivers which taken into effect after rebooting of the system.

Sometimes, buggy executable code referred to as codec of a media player, often slower the performance of a system. So, the Autoruns enumerates all executable code that can be loaded by media playback application and one can identify the misconfigured codec cause performance.
Next, the Boot Execute tab displays the executables that are started and utilized by the session manager. Boot Execute tabs include hard drive verification and repair typically performed by windows.

Note #1: The Autoruns results (data) can be saved to disk in both formats: Binary format and tab-delimited text format in a read-only form.

Note #2: You can download the system internals utilities entire sets from its website in packed form, or you can spare yourself from the hassle of downloading and unzipping the tools by directly browses their file share through accessing \\\ portal from the Windows Run box.

The entire Sysinternals software suite can be freely downloaded from its Live portal ( as follows;

Demystify Autorun and Malwares

The system administrator typically, responsible to manage and secure sensitive data of the large organization’s in a sustainable manner. Overall it is his cardinal approach to ensure the server system to be functioning in a secure, relentless, reliable, and stable way, wholly resistible from extraneous cyber-attack. Therefore, this article is especially dedicated to the system administrator in order to ease their day to day monitoring activities by mean of several freely available system-related utilities. This article literally, expounds the benefits of leveraging essential system commands on account of retrieve and monitoring sensitive information during auditing breakthrough and data forensic practices.

In that so, the Sys-internals toolkit that is a part of MS TechNet society offers a wide range of free diagnostic tools and utilities to streamline the system administrator crackdown in a bid of identifying shrouded abnormal process and malware hunting.

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Autostart Malware –

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