Average Salary of an Air Traffic Controller

The normal monthly pay for an Air Traffic Controller in India is 79,700 rupees. They also get a 1,650 rupee bonus and 12,780 rupees in profit sharing. Many things decide an Air Traffic Controller’s salary. These include their education, experience, and employer.

Air Traffic Controllers with a Bachelor’s degree usually make around 6.10 lakhs annually. Those with a Master’s degree typically make about 8 lakhs annually. The highest monthly Air Traffic Controller pay seen in India is 2.50 lakhs.

Air Traffic Controller Salary in India: Per Month , Average Salary, Experience Wise Salary

Air Traffic Controller Salary in India: India has 137 airports in total. 103 are for travel inside India. 24 allow international travel. 10 are for customs checks. The main concern of Air Traffic Controllers is keeping passengers safe. They also must guide planes well to avoid delays. And they direct pilots during takeoff and landing. Air Traffic Controllers also control plane movement in the airspace.

The average monthly pay of an Air Traffic Controller in India is about 79,700 rupees. This equals 9.56 lakhs to 10 lakhs annually. But the pay can change as the person gains more experience.

To become an Air Traffic Controller, interested people need to take aviation courses at the undergraduate or postgraduate level. Admission to these courses is through the AAI ATC entrance exam.

Table of Content

  • Overview
  • Average Salary of an Air Traffic Controller
  • Experience Wise Salary of an Air Traffic Controller
  • Designation Wise Salary of an Air Traffic Controller
  • Company Wise Salary of an Air Traffic Controller
  • Type Wise Salary of an Air Traffic Controller
  • Roles and Responsibilities of an Air Traffic Controller
  • Job Opportunities for Air Traffic Controllers
  • Skills Required to Become an Air Traffic Controller
  • Benefits of Becoming an Air Traffic Controller in India
  • Courses to Become an Air Traffic Controller in India
  • Steps to Become an Air Traffic Controller in India

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Type Wise Salary of an Air Traffic Controller

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Roles and Responsibilities of an Air Traffic Controller

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Job Opportunities for Air Traffic Controllers

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Skills Required to Become an Air Traffic Controller

Good communication: Air Traffic Controllers must be able to speak clearly and listen carefully. They have to communicate with pilots and other controllers. Being able to explain things simply is important. Quick thinking: Controllers often have to make fast decisions. They need to be able to stay calm under pressure. Good judgment skills are essential. Focus: Air Traffic Controllers must be able to focus for long periods without distraction. Keeping concentrated is vital for safety. Maths skills: Controllers need to be comfortable with numbers. They use maths to track aircraft locations and judge distances between planes. Computer skills: Today’s Air Traffic Controllers work with complex computer systems. Being able to learn these systems is necessary. Basic computer skills are required. Teamwork: Controllers have to coordinate with other controllers, managers, pilots and staff. Being a team player is crucial. Problem-solving: When unexpected situations occur, controllers need to find smart solutions. Critical thinking skills are very important....

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Courses to Become an Air Traffic Controller in India

Course Average Fee per Year (INR in Lacs) B.Tech in Automobile Engineering Rs. 0.04 – 1.5 Lacs B.Tech in Aerospace Engineering Rs. 0.04 – 6 Lacs B.Sc in Physics Rs. 0.015 – 0.05 Lacs B.Sc in Airlines & Airport Management Rs. 0.05 – 3.5 Lacs...

Steps to Become an Air Traffic Controller in India

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