AVL Trees (Adelson-Velsky and Landis Trees)

AVL trees are self-balancing binary search trees designed to maintain balance during insertions and deletions. In an AVL tree, the heights of the two child subtrees of any node differ by at most one. This ensures that the tree remains balanced, which helps in maintaining efficient search, insertion, and deletion operations.

Balancing Operations

AVL trees employ rotation operations to maintain balance. There are four types of rotations:

  1. Left rotation
  2. Right rotation
  3. Left-right rotation (also known as double rotation)
  4. Right-left rotation (also known as double rotation)


When inserting a new node into an AVL tree, the tree may become unbalanced. To restore balance, rotation operations are performed as necessary.


Similarly, when deleting a node from an AVL tree, the tree may become unbalanced. Rotation operations are employed to restore balance in this scenario as well.

Below is the Ruby program to implement AVL Tree:

class AVLNode
  attr_accessor :value, :left, :right, :height

  def initialize(value)
    @value = value
    @left = nil
    @right = nil
    @height = 1

class AVLTree
  attr_reader :root

  def initialize
    @root = nil

  def insert(value)
    @root = insert_node(@root, value)

  def inorder_traversal(node = @root)
    return unless node

    puts node.value


  def insert_node(node, value)
    return AVLNode.new(value) unless node

    if value < node.value
      node.left = insert_node(node.left, value)
      node.right = insert_node(node.right, value)

    node.height = [height(node.left), height(node.right)].max + 1

    balance = balance_factor(node)

    # Perform rotations if the node becomes unbalanced
    if balance > 1 && value < node.left.value
      return right_rotate(node)

    if balance < -1 && value > node.right.value
      return left_rotate(node)

    if balance > 1 && value > node.left.value
      node.left = left_rotate(node.left)
      return right_rotate(node)

    if balance < -1 && value < node.right.value
      node.right = right_rotate(node.right)
      return left_rotate(node)


  def height(node)
    return 0 unless node


  def balance_factor(node)
    return 0 unless node

    height(node.left) - height(node.right)

  def right_rotate(y)
    x = y.left
    t2 = x.right

    x.right = y
    y.left = t2

    y.height = [height(y.left), height(y.right)].max + 1
    x.height = [height(x.left), height(x.right)].max + 1


  def left_rotate(x)
    y = x.right
    t2 = y.left

    y.left = x
    x.right = t2

    x.height = [height(x.left), height(x.right)].max + 1
    y.height = [height(y.left), height(y.right)].max + 1


avl_tree = AVLTree.new

puts "In-order traversal of AVL tree:"


How to Implement Data Structures in Ruby?

Data structures are fundamental components of any programming language, allowing developers to organize and manipulate data efficiently. In Ruby, a versatile and expressive language, implementing various data structures is straightforward. In this article, we’ll explore how to implement common data structures such as arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, graphs, and hashmaps in Ruby. The article focuses on discussing data structures in Ruby.

Table of Content

  • Singly-Linked Lists
  • Doubly-Linked Lists
  • Circular Linked Lists
  • Queues
  • Stack
  • Hash Tables
  • Sets
  • Binary Trees
  • AVL Trees (Adelson-Velsky and Landis Trees)
  • Graphs
  • Persistent Lists

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