AWS AI & ML Scholarship Programs

What is the fee for the whole program?

Since it is a scholarship, there is no application cost. The modules, and training platforms are available to students free of cost.

What happens once you complete the Udacity nano degree scholarship?

Based on your performance in the Udacity Nanodegree scholarship, the top 500 students will be selected for the advanced Udacity Nanodegree program with one-on-one mentoring.

How many times can I apply for this program in a year?

The program occurs twice a year in summer and winter cohorts so you can apply twice in case you don’t get selected once.

AWS AI & ML ScholarShip Programs

AWS AI & ML Scholarship Programs were introduced with the intent of bridge the diversity gap in the field of technology. The dynamic scholarship has been structured in a way to help underserved and underrepresented students get adequate mentorship and guidance while preparing for their careers in AI and ML. With technological advancement, it has been observed that not every person has equal access to education, therefore, it is necessary to provide such scholarships that can provide beginners with a chance to enhance their skills. In this article, we will see some unique features of this global initiative and how it has been successful in imparting education.

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Aim of the Scholarship

The program aims to provide free tutoring and mentoring to 2500 students across the globe and help them get the adequate resources needed for starting their career in technology. Through this program, AWS aims to introduce a diverse workforce in the future that can pursue their career in technology without any financial restrictions. This program aims to mentor underserved or underrepresented students in tech. The scholarship has successfully implemented many cohorts and students themselves speak about the benefits they had from these programs....


The eligibility criteria for applying for the scholarship are as follows:...

Timeline to Apply

There are two cohorts every year, summer and winter. Dates for winter cohorts are provided when summer application ends....

How can AWS DeepRacer help you get a Udacity Scholarship?

The first step involves applying for the scholarship. You can visit the official AWS website and check out the different programs they have to offer. Here is how you can continue once you have decided to apply in AWS DeepRacer. The deepracer is a short program that has modules of basic machine learning and which allows you to put your knowledge to use bu bulding a race car model using built-in consoles and algorithms. Let us see the different phases of the program....

Where to apply?

To apply for the scholarship, you need to be registered at the official AWS portal. Here are the details regarding applying for the scholarship. Link: You need to have an official email ID to register on the site. Fill in the details and register yourself as a user. Later, you need to go to the Deep Racer program available on the AWS website and enroll in the program. Link: Once you enroll yourself in the program, you will receive a confirmation email with details of the further steps needed to complete the modules....

What to prepare?

The AWS AI & ML ScholarShip Program is a machine learning program and you need some previous knowledge of machine learning. Here is what you should prepare for the scholarship....

Best Resources and guide to prepare

Here are some resources to ensure you perform well in AWS AI & ML ScholarShip Programs...

Perks of Scholarship

Once you get the scholarship, you get an access to a lot of resources like:...

AWS AI & ML Scholarship Programs – FAQs

What is the fee for the whole program?...