Azure SQL Managed Instance

What is the difference between Azure SQL and Azure SQL Managed Instance?

Azure SQL is an online database-as-a-service offering a fully managed platform for database development and deployment. It was developed for handling SQL Server databases.

Compared to Azure SQL, which is a fully managed platform service, Azure SQL Managed Instance offers a fully managed SQL Server instance in the cloud with native compatibility and offers the instance more control.

Is managed instance more expensive?

Because of its higher level of managed services and capabilities, managed examples can be more expensive up front, but they can save cash over time by reducing administrative overhead while providing better scalability and performance.

How do I use private endpoints in Azure SQL?

By establishing a private endpoint in your virtual network and linking it to your Azure SQL instance, you may use private endpoints in Azure SQL to maintain access to your databases confined within the virtual network away from public internet exposure.

What is high availability for Azure SQL Database and SQL Managed Instance?

For the purpose minimize downtime and ensure continuous data access, high availability for Azure SQL Database and SQL Managed Instance ensures that databases are redundantly deployed across multiple fault domains. In addition, automatic failover mechanisms are in place to maintain service availability in the event of hardware or software failures.

What is a failover group in Azure SQL?

To guarantee high availability and disaster recovery for SQL databases, Azure SQL offers a resource termed a failover group which allows automatic failover between primary and secondary databases across different areas.

Microsoft Azure – Azure SQL Managed Instance

We will get an overview of Azure SQL Managed Instance. Managed instances combine leading security features with SQL Server compatibility and a business model designed for on-premises developers and clients. There are many reasons that developers want to migrate to Azure SQL Managed Instance. The main one is, that they want to migrate to Azure, and they want to remove some of that management overhead and stress with regards to some of the PaaS capabilities. But they might have restrictions. Maybe they need instance-scoped features. 

When we talk about instance-scoped features, we really mean features that are scoped to the server as opposed to the database, and this includes things like Service Broker, SQL Server Agent, CLR, machine learning services, etc. These are just a few of the reasons why developers move towards Azure SQL Managed Instance. 

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