A∪B Formula

A∪B formula is defined as the elements that either belong to set A or set B. The combination of the elements of A or B gives the A∪B formula. The set builder form representation of the A∪B formula is:

A B = {x : x ∈ A or x ∈ B}

Venn Diagram for AUB Formula

The Venn diagram for AUB formula is given below. In the below diagram, the pink region shows the union of two sets A and B.

AUB Formula

AUB is defined by the elements that belong to either set A or set B. The union operation i.e., A∪B is one of the important operations in sets. This article explores the A∪B formula, the number of elements in A∪B formula, A∪B formula in probability, and the complement of the A union B formula.

AUB Formula

We will also solve some examples and answer some FAQs related to the A∪B formula. Let’s start our learning on the topic “A∪B formula”.

Table of Content

  • What is A Union B?
  • What is A∪ B Formula?
  • Number of Elements in A∪B Formula
  • A∪B Formula in Probability
  • Complement of AUB Formula

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