Background of Civil Services in India Before 1923

The Civil Service examination for India under the British Government started after 1886. It was called Imperial Civil Service but later they changed it to Indian Civil Service. After independence, the ICS name was also changed to the Indian Administrative Service (IAS).

In Fact, for the first time in 1886, it was recommended by the Aitchison Commission headed by Sir Charles Umpherston Aitchison that Indians should also get hired in Public Service.

Formally in 1912, The Islington Commission laid the foundation for the inclusion of Indians in the Indian Civil Services, Which was set up after an upsurge of Indian public demand for more share in the Indian Public services. It recommended that:

  • At least 25 percent of the positions in the Civil Services should have Indians, which can be partly filled by direct recruitment and partly through promotion.
  • And the examination for the recruitment of civil service should be held both in India and England.

Then to enhance the Indian participation in the administrative services ‘The Government of India act 1919’ was set up. These reforms are known as Montagu-Chelmsford reforms or Montford reforms.

  • For the first time, concrete steps were taken to incorporate more Indians in the administrative services of their country. Elections were introduced which brought political awareness amongst educated Indians.
  • Though, the Indian nationalists were unsatisfied as their demands remained unfulfilled. The Supreme authority still had major powers over the legislatures. And the franchise was very partial as only those who held office or titles could vote.

Finally, in 1923 the Lee Commission was Established:

  • To address the rising demand for Indianisation of Public Service.  
  • To overcome the shortage of Indian candidates in superior services. 
  • Also, the World war just got over and Britishers didn’t want instability to rise in the country, so they agreed to end the patronage system and promote Merit-based selection.

Interestingly the Lee Commission body had an equal number of Indians and Britishers. It was also called Royal Commission as it was for the Superior Civil Services in India. It was a robust proposal, as its traces can be seen even today in UPSC genesis.

Background of Civil Services in India Before 1923

The Lee Commission was established to analyze the structure of India’s Higher Public Service in the year 1923. Lord Lee of Fareham, conducted this commission as the Chairman and submitted its observations in 1924. It was based on the Islington Commission report (1912) and it reviewed

  1. The All-India Services
  2. The Central Services

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Background of Civil Services in India Before 1923:

The Civil Service examination for India under the British Government started after 1886. It was called Imperial Civil Service but later they changed it to Indian Civil Service. After independence, the ICS name was also changed to the Indian Administrative Service (IAS)....

Recommendations of the Lee Commission:

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