
  1. Product backlogs: It contains a prioritized list of user stories, deliverables, or work you plan to build or fix.  
  2. Portfolio backlogs: It helps to organize product backlogs into a hierarchy of elements. Portfolio backlogs typically track high-level features, scenarios, or epics.
  3. Sprint backlogs: It just contains those items that each team is working on during a scheduled sprint or iteration period.

Create backlog in Agile work process:

Step 1: Go to Boards >> Select Backlogs.

Step 2: To add a new work item (Epic),  Click on the plus button on the top >> New Work Item >> Epic.

Step 3: Now if you are not able to see the Epic created. Go to configure setting button >> Backlogs >> Checkmark the checkbox beside Epic.  Then Save and Close.

Step 4: To Create Feature under Epic click on plus Symbol beside Epic >> Enter information in the panel that opens.


Step 5: To Create User Story under Feature click on plus Symbol beside Feature >>  Enter information in the panel that opens.

Step 6: To create Task or Bug under User Story, click on plus Symbol beside User Story >>  Enter information in the panel that opens.

Task would look like below:

The Bug would look like below:

Below Screenshot shows the Work items relationship in Agile process.

Create Sprint in Agile work Process:

Step 1: Go to Boards >> Sprints 

Step 2: On the right side you can see the sprints [Iteration 1, Iteration2, Iteration 3]. In Agile each sprint must have a start and end date.

Step 3: To create a new Sprint click on the New Sprint button >> Enter the fields in the panel that open >> Click Create button.

Step 4: To align Agile Work items to sprints just drag and drop the work item to the Sprint block you want. In this way, you can manage your backlog and assign work items from backlog to sprints.

Step 5:  If the Planning tab is not visible, go to View Options button in the top right corner >> select planning.

  • Work Items in Backlog: Backlogs display work items as a list.

  • Work Items in Boards: Boards display work items as cards.

How to Create Backlog and Sprint in Agile Process?

To manage work, we have access to three classes of backlogs (portfolio, product, and sprint) and two types of boards (Kanban and Taskboards). Backlogs display work items as list, Boards display work items as cards. Backlog and board views provide similar and distinct features to support planning and tracking.

Work items are used to share information, assign work to team members, track dependencies, organize work, and more. We can apply different filters to our backlogs and boards to just show those items of interest.

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Product backlogs: It contains a prioritized list of user stories, deliverables, or work you plan to build or fix.   Portfolio backlogs: It helps to organize product backlogs into a hierarchy of elements. Portfolio backlogs typically track high-level features, scenarios, or epics. Sprint backlogs: It just contains those items that each team is working on during a scheduled sprint or iteration period....