Banana Family Name

Banana belongs to the family “Musaceae” with 33 species in the genus “Musa” under the updated division Musa, which includes bananas and plantains based on their binomial nomenclature. As we can say family is important in the plant kingdom of herbaceous plants with unique leaves.

Scientific Name Of Banana

Musa paradisiaca is the scientific name of the banana, which belongs to the “Musaceae” family and has several species with the genus “Musa”. In Hindi, we call it “Kela”. It’s a tropical fruit that grows in warm climates in tropical and subtropical regions. Whereas, it contains at least 20% carbohydrates and 12% fiber, 12% potassium, and 12% vitamins in the necessary amount to get in our body. In Ayurveda also, it is used to make various medicines.

Table of Content

  • Scientific Name of the Banana
  • Scientific Name of Banana Leaf
  • Common Name of Banana
  • Banana Family Name
  • Taxonomy of Banana
  • Characteristics of Banana

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