Basis of Classification of Data

The classification of statistical data is done after considering the scope, nature, and purpose of an investigation and is generally done on four bases; viz., geographical location, chronology, qualitative characteristics, and quantitative characteristics. 

1. Geographical Classification

The classification of data on the basis of geographical location or region is known as Geographical or Spatial Classification. For example, presenting the population of different states of a country is done on the basis of geographical location or region. 

2. Chronological Classification

The classification of data with respect to different time periods is known as Chronological or Temporal Classification. For example, the number of students in a school in different years can be presented on the basis of a time period. 

3. Qualitative Classification

The classification of data on the basis of descriptive or qualitative characteristics like region, caste, sex, gender, education, etc., is known as Qualitative Classification. A qualitative classification can not be quantified and can be of two types; viz., Simple Classification and Manifold Classification. 

Simple Classification

When based on only one attribute, the given data is classified into two classes, which is known as Simple Classification. For example, when the population is divided into literate and illiterate, it is a simple classification. 

Manifold Classification

When based on more than one attribute, the given data is classified into different classes, and then sub-divided into more sub-classes, which is known as Manifold Classification. For example, when the population is divided into literate and illiterate, then sub-divided into male and female, and further sub-divided into married and unmarried, it is a manifold classification.

4. Quantitative Classification

The classification of data on the basis of the characteristics, such as age, height, weight, income, etc., that can be measured in quantity is known as Quantitative Classification. For example, the weight of students in a class can be classified as quantitative classification.

Classification of Data in Statistics | Meaning and Basis of Classification of Data

Classification of data refers to the systematic organization of raw data into groups or categories based on shared characteristics or attributes. This process transforms unstructured data into a structured format, making it easier to analyze and draw meaningful conclusions. Data can be classified based on location, time, descriptive characteristics, and measurable characteristics.

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