Begin Job Search Activities

When ready, look for data science work matching your growing skills. Look at the study descriptions carefully, and change resumes and portfolios to show that you are a good match for what the role needs. Use examples, too. Get ready to show examples of learning through doing and past data projects during job interviews.

Your education needs to match on paper. But, prove your love for the job and how you are ready to help by showing your work in changing over. Start with your first job as a contract data scientist to get your career experience.

You can also refer to this article – How to Become Data Scientist – A Complete Roadmap

How to Switch from Mechanical Engineering to Data Science?

In recent years, data science has grown to become one of the most lucrative fields to work in. With promising career prospects and exciting sub-domains, it is a widely chosen field among professionals. This is precisely why individuals are also considering making a switch and turning to data science. Many mechanical engineers are in search of better job growth, and data science tends to grab their attention at this juncture. But the question arises: can mechanical engineers work hard and plan well to become data scientists? The answer is definitely yes! Engineers who work with machines can easily switch to using data for analysis and modeling. People with engineering skills can change to good data science jobs if they practice the right skills, do hands-on work, show what they can do, and market themselves well.

In this article, we will cover everything you need to know while making a switch to data science from mechanical engineering. Read on to know the exact skills you must learn alongside the transition plan to put into action.

How to Switch from Mechanical Engineering to Data Science?

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