Beginner Level C++ Projects Ideas

1. CGPA Calculator

A student’s cumulative grade point average (CGPA) can be determined using the C++ program CGPA Calculator. The user’s input is used to compute the CGPA, which includes information like the number of courses taken and the grades earned in each one. The program also shows each student’s overall course grade. CGPA Calculator calculates a student’s Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) from the given exam results. The program can show the individual grades of each course, calculate total credits and total grade points achieved, determine the GPA for the semester, and based on all the data, it can generate and present the CGPA of the student. 

Technologies Required: C++ programming language, Data Structures, Basic Searching & Sorting algorithms, Basic Arithmetic Operations and formulas, and File Handling ( I/O Streams ).

2. Rock Paper Scissor 

Stone Paper Scissor or Rock Paper Scissor is a game that is played between two people, Each player in this game forms one of three shapes. The winner will be decided as per the given rules:

  • Rock vs Scissor -> Rock wins
  • Rock vs Paper -> Paper wins
  • Paper vs Scissor -> Scissor wins

In this game, the user is asked to make choices based on both computer and user choices and the results are displayed showing both computer and user choices.

Technologies Required: C++ programming language, I/O Streams, Standard Library Functions.

3. Casino Number Guessing Game

The guessing project in C++ is a game designed to test the player’s luck and knowledge. The player needs to guess a random number generated by the computer. If the player guesses right, they will win a certain amount of money. The winning prize depends on the difficulty of the game. The program implements classes, functions, and user-defined data types. It also uses other features such as loops and conditionals to create a logical structure. Furthermore, it makes use of the standard template library to implement basic operations and other data structures.

Technologies Required: C++ programming language, Object Oriented Programming(OOPS), Data Structures, Input/Output Streams, Memory Management, Standard Template Library(STL).

4. Calculator for Scientific Operations in C++

The main goal of a Calculator for Scientific Operations is to do simple mathematical computations. It also executes a few difficult-to-solve trigonometric and logarithmic functions. The calculator will evaluate any mathematical equation entered using infix notation, which will then provide the result. In addition, it supports addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in mathematics. This calculator allows keyboard entry. The C++ class is used to define the data of the Calculator and the various types of functions it can perform such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulo. The project also uses classes that handle different exceptions when an illegal input is received or when an operation results in a singular value, such as an imaginary number. The technology used for this program was object-oriented programming which provided the flexibility necessary for the implementation of the various operations.

Technologies Required: C++ programming language, Data structures, and Algorithms, Math library in C++, and OOPS.

5. Login and Registration System

The login And Registration System project in C++ involves mainly the user registration process. User Credentials like usernames and passwords are asked from the user. If the registration of the user is successful then with the given credentials a file will be created of a particular user in the database.

Technologies Required: C++ programming language, User Input/Output Libraries, File Manipulation Libraries, Strings and Structures Libraries and Database Libraries.

6. Student Database Management System

We use databases in every aspect of our lives today. Data stored on servers around the world amounts to trillions of bytes. Such a database can be accessed using SQL, one of the most basic methods. But have you ever thought about using C++ to maintain such a database? In this project, we will talk about implementing different views on a text file according to the type of user and edit accordingly. The system will be designed using object-oriented principles and will leverage technologies such as C++, MySQL, etc. The system will also include robust security features to ensure that student data is kept safe and secure.

Technologies Required: C++ programming language, Relational Database Management System (RDBMS), Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Data Structures, Multi-threading, and Encryption/Decryption.

7. Inventory System  

This project is designed to create an inventory system in C++ using object-oriented programming. The system will enable the user to store and track information about products, including their quantity, price, and other details. The technologies used for this project include C++ programming language, and database management systems such as MySQL. Additionally, techniques such as Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and Structured Query Language (SQL) will be used to create an efficient and robust inventory system.

Technologies Required: C++ programming language, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Structured Query Language (SQL), Data Structures, Boost Libraries, and Standard Template Libraries (STL).

8. Payroll System

The project provides a comprehensive payroll system written in C++, system’s features include the calculation of salaries, deductions, and benefits for both employees and employers. It provides support for managing employee records, tracking hours worked, and generating reports. The system is designed to be user-friendly and efficient, with features such as an intuitive user interface and an automated data entry system.

Technologies Required: C++ programming language, SQL, Standard Template Library(STL), Searching and Sorting Algorithms, and Data Structures.

9. Banking System

A C++ project is designed with an object-oriented approach, with classes for customers, accounts, transactions, and banking services. Features included creating and managing customers, accounts, and transactions, as well as performing banking services such as withdrawals, deposits, and transfers. It also allows customers to view their account information, including account balances, recent transactions, and other details.

Technologies Required: C++ programming language, OOPS, and MySQL.

10. Medical Information System

A Medical Information System is designed to store and organize patient medical information, such as demographic and clinical data, lab results, and other relevant information using a C++ programming language. The system is designed to allow easy expansion, and efficient and secure payments using object-oriented programming techniques to ensure the data is stored, retrieved, and managed efficiently. The system can use encryption and authentication techniques to ensure the data is kept secure and private for a particular patient. 

Technologies Required: C++ programming language, Object Oriented Programming (OOP), Encryption & Authentication and Database Management System (DBMS).

11. Stock Management System

The Stock Management System in C++ is a program designed to help businesses manage their stock levels. It tracks the current inventory of products and allows users to add, delete and modify items in the inventory. Technologies used in this project include C++ and SQLite. SQLite is used to store and manage data. C++ is used for the program’s backend, allowing for the stock management system to be easily modified and extended. The Stock Management System is a powerful tool that can help store owners and managers keep track of their stock, allowing them to make the most of their resources.

Technologies Required: C++ programming language, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Relational Database Management System(RDBMS), Structured Query Language(SQL) and Multi-threading.

12. Hospital Management System 

The Hospital Management System can help any hospital or healthcare facility by boosting productivity, lowering paperwork, and enhancing patient care. The Hospital Management System in C++ simplifies the process for hospitals and other healthcare organizations to manage medical records, billing, and appointments. Among the information stored in the system are vital signs, medical history, medication details, laboratory results, and billing information. A hospital management system that keeps records of doctors, their appointments, patients, staff, and more using object-oriented programming and file handling (in C++).

Technologies Required: C++ programming language, Object Oriented Programming (OOP), and Database Management System (DBMS).

13. School Management System

School Management System project can be used to manage and track student performance, attendance, and grades. The School Management System project aims to develop a School Management System in C++ that can be used by schools to manage their daily operations. The system will enable the school to store, manage, and access student records, teacher records, course information, exam schedules, and other important data related to the activities in the school.

Technologies Required: C++ programming language, Object Oriented Programming(OOPs), Relational Database Management System(RDBMS), Data Structures, and Algorithms.

14. Hotel Management System

A Hotel Management project in C++ is designed to digitalize the operations of a hotel. It offers different features such as hotel room booking, room maintenance, customer management, billing, and report generation. The system provides a secure and efficient way of managing the hotel’s operations and ensures customer satisfaction. The Hotel Management System system covers the key features of checking-in, checking-out, booking, reservation, and billing for hotel management.

Technologies Required: C++ programming language, Object-Oriented Programming, Structured Query Language (SQL), and Multi-threading.

15. Library Management System 

Library Management System provides an interface to register new users, check in, report generations, manage library resources and handle book checkout. Managing user accounts, creating reports, and monitoring library usage is extra functionality provided by the library management system. The library’s management system can keep track of the books it has on hand, which include their availability information such as location, as well as the individuals that are borrowing them, their due dates, and any fines they may have gained. The information in Library Management System is stored and retrieved by the object-oriented system using a variety of technologies and techniques, which include classes, inheritance, polymorphism, and data structures.

Technologies Required: C++ programming language, Data Structures, C++ Standard Template Library (STL), Database Management System (DBMS), and File I/O.

16. Traffic Management System

Traffic Management System will provide a program to automate the regulation of traffic lights. It will make use of Standard C++ libraries to create a program that will automatically manage the traffic using traffic signals that will change based on the logic defined in the program.

Technologies Required: C++ programming language, C++ Chrono Library, Multithreading.

17. Hangman Game

The hangman project game consists of guessing a secret word of a given length by entering one letter at a time. The game ends if the user does not correctly guess the word within the allotted number of guesses. The Hangman game will utilize classes to store the hidden word and guesses a class containing member methods used to track progress, and a class to represent the hangman figure. The game logic will be written using a variety of features such as structs, switch statements, and loops of C++ programming language.

Technologies Required: C++ programming language, Object Oriented Programming (OOPS).

19. Trading Application

The trading application is a console application that will provide different trading operations such as, getting account info, depositing money, buying stocks, selling stocks, checking transactions, etc, which a person doing trade requires. This application will use a DBMS such as MySQL to store data.

Technologies: C++ programming languages, File I/O, MySQL, and OOPs.

20 Search Engine

This C++ project focuses on developing a search engine that allows users to search a large database of information quickly and efficiently. Through this project, students can learn in-depth how memory, structs, and classes work. The Search Engine project involves creating a user interface that allows users to search the database using keywords, categories, and dates. The search engine will support local and remote data sources, including structured and unstructured data. It will also allow users to search and browse indexed data.

Technologies Required: C++ programming language, Data Structures, and Algorithms, Database Management, Memory Management.

Top 50 C++ Project Ideas For Beginners & Advanced

C++ is one of the most popular programming languages widely used in the software industry for projects in different domains like games, operating systems, web browsers, DBMS, etc due to its fast speed, versatility, lower-level memory access, and many more. Many top companies like Microsoft, Google, Apple, Netflix, etc use C++ to develop their products. One of the most popular operating systems Windows also has a number of its components coded in C++ due to its features some of which are as follows:

  • Fast Speed
  • Versatility
  • Closer to the Hardware

Building projects is one of the best ways to learn C++. It provides valuable practical experience that enables us to make use of the concepts we learned to make something productive. While building projects, we get to learn how to use different tools and solve different problems enhancing our ability to write code and problem-solving skills. It is also a great way to showcase one’s skills to a potential employer or client.

This article contains the 50 most popular and useful C++ project ideas for beginners, intermediate, and experts which are as follows:

Beginners Level

  1. CGPA Calculator
  2. Rock Paper Scissor
  3. Casino Number Guessing Game
  4. Calculator for Scientific Operations
  5. Login and Registration System
  6. Student Database Management System
  7. Inventory System
  8. Payroll System
  9. Banking System
  10. Medical Information System
  11. Stock Management System
  12. Hospital Management System
  13. School Management System
  14. Hotel Management System
  15. Library Management System
  16. Traffic Management System
  17. Hangman Game
  18. Text-Based Adventure Game
  19. Trading Application
  20. Search Engine

Intermediate Level

  1. Snake Game
  2. Text Editor
  3. Tic-Tac-Toe
  4. Minesweeper Game
  5. Phonebook Application
  6. Using Wake-on-LAN protocol to remote power On a PC
  7. Single-colored Blank Image using OpenCV
  8. OpenCV Project for Image Blur
  9. OpenCV to Play a Video
  10. OpenCV to Blur a Video
  11. OpenCV Project for Shape Detection
  12. OpenCV Project for Face Detection
  13. OpenCV Project for Coin Detection
  14. Music Player
  15. Cryptography Application

Expert Level

  1. Password Manager
  2. Ball Game using OpenGL
  3. Helicopter Game
  4. Web Browser
  5. Finding Nearby Cabs
  6. Online Exam System
  7. Online Voting System
  8. Online Ticket Reservation System
  9. Online Job Portal
  10. Online Food Ordering System
  11. Online Shopping System
  12. Blackjack with AI
  13. Chess Game with AI
  14. Bike Race Game
  15. 3D Bounce Ball Game

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