Benefits of 3D View Tool

The tools provide an excellent way of viewing 3D elements on the page. Some of the benefits of 3D tools are:

  • Clean and Colorful 3D View: The tool provides a clean UI for the developers, and the elements in the 3D view are accordingly color-coded. You also have the option to change the perspective of the 3D view according to your needs.
  • Multiple Views: You get a total of 3 views that are separated into three tabs: Composite Layers, Z-Index, and DOM. This targets different issues faced by developers while working with 3D elements and layers of a site.
  • Visualizing Individual Elements: You can isolate any element from the 3D view that you want to focus more on and debug it individually. The selected element and only its parents or children are displayed in the 3D view.
  • Feedback: The tool also provides a list of composited layers, and when you select an element in any layer, some details are also provided, such as size, composition reasons, memory estimate, and many more.
  • Movement controls: You have options to change the perspective of the 3D view of the page and get various movement controls present in the bottom right corner of the 3D view tool.

3D View Tool in Microsoft Edge Browser

The 3D View Tool is used to get a 3D visualization of the site to check the different layers and z-index of the sites, which is not easy to debug. The tool provides very clean and colorful visuals and provides good movement controls around the 3D view. The various details, such as size and memory constraints, are also being displayed by the tool.

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