Benefits of HTTP/3 over HTTP/2

  • HTTP/3 provides many benefits over HTTP/2 for online applications, particularly in terms of performance, security, and compatibility.
  • HTTP/3 Improves congestion control mechanism over HTTP/2.
  • HTTP/3 removes the need for repeated TCP handshakes that allow faster connection establishment and a connection time reduction of up to 80%-90%.
  • The loss recovery and congestion control techniques in QUIC make HTTP/3 more resilient to packet loss and network disturbances.
  • HTTP/3 aims to be more compatible with current network infrastructure and devices by employing UDP as port number 443. As a result, browsers including Chrome, Firefox, and Safari now support HTTP/3.

What is HTTP/3? How it is Different From HTTP/2?

Web protocols are important for transmitting data from client to server over the web. Over time various developments were made to enhance the efficiency, performance, and safety of web protocols. HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 provide various features to transmit data over the internet or web. In this article, we are going to discuss the HTTP, HTTP/2, and HTTP/3 and the comparison between HTTP/2 and HTTP/3.

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What is HTTP/2 – A Solution to HTTP?

HTTP/2 was released in 2015, it addresses the HOL(Head of Line Blocking) issue through request multiplexing, which eliminates HOL blocking at the application layer but HOL still exists at the transport layer. HTTP/2 decreases performance limitations while maintaining compatibility with existing applications. HTTP/2 improves network resources reduces latency by reducing header fields and allows concurrent exchanges on a single connection. It enables request prioritization, allowing more critical requests to be completed faster, which improves the speed during communication....

Features of HTTP/2

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Problems with HTTP/2

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HTTP/3 – Establishing the Future

HTTP/3 is a major advancement over HTTP/2. HTTP/3 aims to enable fast, reliable, and secure web connections across all types of devices by resolving HTTP/2’s transport-related problems. To do this, it employs a separate transport layer network protocol known as QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connections), which operates on the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) internet than the TCP used by all prior versions of HTTP. Unlike TCP’s, UDP supports multidirectional broadcasting of data, which resolves the issue of head-of-line blocking (HOL)....

Benefits of HTTP/3 over HTTP/2

HTTP/3 provides many benefits over HTTP/2 for online applications, particularly in terms of performance, security, and compatibility. HTTP/3 Improves congestion control mechanism over HTTP/2. HTTP/3 removes the need for repeated TCP handshakes that allow faster connection establishment and a connection time reduction of up to 80%-90%. The loss recovery and congestion control techniques in QUIC make HTTP/3 more resilient to packet loss and network disturbances. HTTP/3 aims to be more compatible with current network infrastructure and devices by employing UDP as port number 443. As a result, browsers including Chrome, Firefox, and Safari now support HTTP/3....

Challenges of HTTP/3 Implementation

HTTP/3 is built on QUIC which introduces some additional complexity compared to HTTP/2. To transit onto HTTP/3, you must modify your current infrastructure, which includes servers and load balancers. Even after moving to HTTP/3, compatibility may still be an issue, particularly if your organization is large or has complex network configurations. HTTP/3’s QUIC protocol encrypts data packets from payload to metadata. Encryption is very useful but it makes accessing the data packet challenging. However, firewalls require access to the packet otherwise, clients are vulnerable to cyberattacks. Implementing HTTP/3 on the server side requires good knowledge and skills, and you may even need to make changes to your server infrastructure....

Difference Between HTTP/2 and HTTP/3



In Conclusion, HTTP/3 provides greater performance, enhanced security, lower latency, and better management of network situations, making it an appropriate protocol for the future of web communications....

Frequently Asked Question on HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 – FAQs

How to test if my website supports the HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 protocols?...