Benefits of Issues Tool

The tool provides very fast results and covers a wide range of problems. The benefits of the issue tool are:

  • Fast: On opening the issues tab, all the problems are displayed at once in little to no time. An initial loading can take place, but most of the time, the issues are instantly displayed.
  • Categories: All the issues are categorized into accessibility, compatibility, performance, progressive web apps, and security. This saves the developers time and makes them easier to debug.
  • Navigate: The tool also provides navigation to the associate tool in the developer’s tool, where the issue can be located and better handled. On expanding an issue, we get a link mentioned as Open in <tab name>, and on clicking it, we get the issue highlighted in that particular tab.
  • Ordered by severity: The various issues displayed have an order of severity. The various severity levels are tips, information, warnings, and errors. This helps developers target high-severity problems or any problems of a particular severity type that they solely want to focus on.
  • Feedback: The tool also provides various external links for further reading about the problem. The tool also mentions the affected resources, which can help debug the issue.

Issues Tool in Microsoft Edge Browser

The Issues Tool provides a list of all possible problems related to your site. These problems are basically categories in terms of accessibility, compatibility, performance, progressive web apps, and security. It also provides a possible solution to fix the problems. With the issues tool, the developers can easily get a good idea of the possible problems without time-consuming testing of the site.

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