Benefits of MLOps

  • Almost every task is automated.
  • Rapid experiments done without going to code you can done using UI.
  • All the experiments under one platform.
  • It is a user-centric approach which aims to improve user experiences by ensuring that models are always up-to-date and perform optimally in production.
  • It allows for the efficient scaling of machine learning models to handle larger datasets and increased workloads.
  • It includes feedback loops to collect user feedback and data for continuous model improvement and retraining.

What is MLOps?

MLOps ( Machine Learning Operations), end-to-end solutions for machine learning. It is a set of practices and tools that combine machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) development with operations (Ops) processes. It aims to automate the process of developing, deploying, and maintaining machine learning models.

In this article we will cover Data Version Control using MinIo for data storage we can store and maintain the version of data. Then ML Pipeline Using Kubeflow we write an ML pipeline which will be the complete flow of machine learning. After that GitHub for model versioning, we will use GitHub. Lastly, GitOps using git actions can automate the pipeline.

Table of Content

  • What is MLOps?
  • How MLOps work?
  • Usage of MLOps
  • Main components of MLOps
  • Why do we need MLOps?
  • Benefits of MLOps
  • Difference between MLOps and DevOps
  • Conclusion

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What is MLOps?

MLOps is a set of practices, guidelines, and tools that unify machine learning system development and operations. MLOps seeks to automate, streamline, and optimize the end-to-end lifecycle. MLOps is all about applying best practices from software development to the machine learning lifecycle, ensuring smoother transitions from experimentation to production and more efficient and robust ML systems....

How MLOps work?

Machine learning consists of a total of four major things – Data Processing, Model Training, Model Inferencing, and Model deployment. To automate this process we are using MLOps. So let’s start step by step:- We know machine learning has two main components, Data and model....

Usage of MLOps

For versioning of model and data. Automated model training and deployment. Continuous model monitoring. It will reduce our manual efforts and boost our productivity....

Main components of MLOps

Data and model version control. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD). Recording details of model training runs, including hyperparameters, performance metrics, and the associated datasets. Packaging models and their dependencies in containers for consistent deployment. Monitoring and optimizing the cost of model training, deployment, and infrastructure. You can set a time in kubeflow, at that time kubeflow pipeline automatically triggers. You can visualize and perform the whole process easily. In MinIO you can also upload data using UI or using code also. You only need (pip install “dvc[s3]”) to install dvc in MinIO....

Why do we need MLOps?

The simple answer to this question is without MLOps we have to do so much manual work such as if any change happens then we manually have to train, infer and push the model to git. But with MLOps, it will done automatically. We also have to maintain an Excel sheet if we want to compare runs but with this, all our experiments and their record come under one platform, Kubeflow. because of this, it encourages comprehensive model documentation, making it easier for teams to understand, maintain, and troubleshoot machine learning systems. It will also help manage sensitive data and ensure regulatory compliance. It optimizes costs by automating resource allocation, scaling, and efficient use of cloud resources during model training and deployment. This tends, MLOps is essential for organizations and teams that leverage machine learning models to make data-driven decisions...

Benefits of MLOps

Almost every task is automated. Rapid experiments done without going to code you can done using UI. All the experiments under one platform. It is a user-centric approach which aims to improve user experiences by ensuring that models are always up-to-date and perform optimally in production. It allows for the efficient scaling of machine learning models to handle larger datasets and increased workloads. It includes feedback loops to collect user feedback and data for continuous model improvement and retraining....

Difference between MLOps and DevOps

MLOps DevOps MLOps is used for machine learning projects. It includes data preparation, model training, testing, deployment and monitoring. DevOps mainly focused on Development, testing and deployment. MLOps handles the versioning of data and models. DevOps didn’t focus on versioning. In MLOps, the primary artifacts are machine learning models, data pipelines, and feature engineering processes. In DevOps, the primary things are source code, application binaries, configuration files, and infrastructure as code. MLOps emphasizes model performance, data drift, and concept drift for monitoring. Involves specific ML metrics. In DevOps, it will monitor application performance, system metrics, and user experience. Uses traditional IT metrics. Tools and Technologies are specific ML tools like TensorFlow, PyTorch, scikit-learn, and model serving frameworks. Tools and Technologies are CI/CD tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, and container orchestration tools like Kubernetes. Teams required:- Cross-functional teams may include data scientists, ML engineers, data engineers, and DevOps. Teams required:- Developers, IT operations, quality assurance, and other stakeholders....


MLOps is very important in machine learning if you have continuous training development then this is the best thing we have. Once the pipeline is created all the tasks will be completely automated you only need to monitor your model and with a user-friendly UI you can easily and efficiently complete your work....