Benefits of Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)

The benefits of Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) are:

  • Helps in company’s growth: Making PIP helps in the company’s growth because if there is a PIP policy in the company, the employees work more seriously to meet their targets as they know that if they do not meet their targets, they might have to face disciplinary actions from the management.
  • Motivates staff to perform better: PIP’s main focus is to help the staff perform better rather than penalize them for their underperformance.
  • Saves a lot of time and money: Improving current employee performance saves companies a lot of time and money, because if the employer fires the non-performing employees, the company may have to face the expenses that come with recruiting a new candidate for that role. Instead, the employer can use the PIP policy and help the employees by arranging some training sessions for them to improve their performance.
  • Better understanding of organization: Employees put in more effort when they understand what the organization expects of them, and employers also do not have to be ruder towards their employees if they have a PIP policy.
  • Helps to understand weak points: PIPs assist employees in charting a clear path to success by identifying their weak points.
  • Helps companies in terminating underperforming candidates: PIP supports employees whose performance has slipped, but it is sometimes beneficial for the employers as well, as they get an excuse to terminate a continuously underperforming employee.

PIP: Full form, Benefits and Ideal Way to implement

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Ideal way to implement Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) in an Organization

The organization’s performance should be measured, and based on that, each employee should be assigned targets and tasks. If an employee is unable to meet the set targets, their perspective on why they are unable to meet those targets must be considered, and only their targets and the PIP timeline should be revised as a result. Rather than terminating them from their job, they should be given a fair amount of time to make possible improvements in their performance. With the help of the performance parameters, the employees should be informed about the areas where they are lacking, and if needed, they should be provided with the required training that can help them improve their performance. Make sure that the employee has been made aware of the consequences and timeline of PIP. Once the employee is in PIP, their performance should be reviewed regularly, and they should be informed about their performance so that they can make more efforts to make possible improvements in their performance. The employee should be supported by their team and management during the PIP, and they should try not to put too much pressure on them so that they can work freely and perform better. PIPs’ main objective should always be results and performance. After the PIP period is over, the employee’s performance should be reviewed one by one, and they should be informed about their performance during the PIP period, and appropriate action should be taken based on their performance as per the company’s regulations....

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