Benefits of using Namespaces

Now Let’s first discuss what is the need for Namespaces. when should you create them? And how you should use it?

1. Structuring Resources in Groups

The biggest use case of creating your Namespaces is this – imagine you have only Default Namespace which is provided by Kubernetes and you create all your resources in that Default Namespace. If you have a complex application that has multiple Kubernetes Deployments, which create replicas of many Kubernetes Pods and you have resources like Kubernetes Services and Config maps etc. very soon your Default Namespace is going to be filled with different components and it will be really difficult to have an overview of what is in happening in the project. especially, when we have multiple users creating stuff inside. So a better way in this case is to group resources into Namespaces. For Example, you can have a database Namespace where you deploy your database and all its required resources and you can have a Monitoring Namespace where you deploy monitoring related stuff.

2. Preventing Conflicts between Multiple Teams

Another use case of having Namespaces is when you have multiple teams. Imagine this scenario where you have two different teams that use the same cluster. One team deploys an application which is called “my-app-deployment” and that deployment has its certain configuration. Now if another team had a Deployment that accidentally had the same name but a different configuration and they created that Deployment or they applied it, they would overwrite the first team’s Deployment. To avoid such kind of conflicts, you can use Namespaces so that each team can work in their own Namespace without disrupting the others.

3. Resource Sharing

Lets say you have one Cluster and you want to host both Staging and Development environment in the same Cluster. and the reason for that is if you’re using Nginx Controller or Elastic Stack for logging, you can deploy it in one Cluster and use it for both environments. In that way you don’t have to deploy these common resources twice in two different clusters. So now the staging can use both resources as well as the development environment.

4. Blue/Green Deployment

Another reason for using Namespaces is when have Blue/Green Deployment for application. Which means that in the same cluster you want to have two different versions of Production – The one that is active, that is in production now and another one that is going to be the next production version. The versions of applications in those blue and green Production Namespaces will be different however these namespaces might need to use the same resources like Nginx Controller or Elastic Stack and this way they can both use this common shared resources without having to set up a separate Cluster.

5. Limiting Access and Resources

One more reason for using Namespaces is to limit the resources and limit the access to namespaces when we are working with multiple teams. Imagine a scenario where we have two teams working in the same cluster and each one of them has their own Namespace so what we can do in this scenario is that we can give the teams access to only their namespace so they can only be able to Create, Update, Delete resources in their own namespace but they can not do anything in the other Namespaces. In this way we even restrict or even minimize the risk of one team accidentally interfering with another team’s work. Each one has their own secured isolated environment. Additional thing that we can do on a Namespace level is limit the resources that each Namespace consumes because if you have a cluster with limited resources you want to give each team a share of resources for their application so if one team consumes too much resources then other teams would eventually have much less and their applications may not schedule because the cluster will run out of the resources. Using Namespaces what we can do is that per Namespace we can define resource quotas that limit how much CPU, RAM, storage resources one Namespace can use.

Benefits and Characteristics of Kubernetes Namespaces

In Kubernetes, Namespaces are used to organize resources. You can have multiple Namespaces in a Cluster And these Namespaces are kind of virtual Clusters of their own. The official definition of Namespace says “In Kubernetes, namespaces provide a mechanism for isolating groups of resources within a single cluster”. Within a Kubernetes Namespace, resources must have unique names, but across different Namespaces, you can have resources with the same name.In this article, we will discuss the Benefits and Characteristics of Namespaces, but let’s start with the basics.

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