Best Front-End Development Books For Beginners

1. HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites, by Jon Duckett

This book by Jon Duckett is incredibly popular. If you are a beginner in designing and recently started learning HTML and CSS then this book is best for you to learn everything from scratch to an expert level. The quality of content in this book is very high, also the presentation of everything is well organized. You will find the definition of every topic along with the code and its output. The author of this book has made code so visual that everybody can understand it. Graphics are wonderful in this book and all the properties, examples, and code are explained using a color-coding system to differentiate everything. It has magazine-style layouts and designs with high-quality pages. 

  • Buy HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites Book

2. JavaScript and JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development, by Jon Duckett 

To add functionality to your HTML and CSS code, again we recommend you to follow this book written by Jon Duckett. All the concepts of javascript are very clear and presented in a well-structured and organized way from scratch in this book. Jon Duckett is an expert in javascript and this book will teach you how to use javascript in real-world applications taking a realistic example. In the beginning, you will be learning about the fundamentals, DOM manipulation, and handling user events in javascript and then you slowly will be moving to jquery. 

  • Buy JavaScript and JQuery Book

3. HTML5: The Missing Manual

For anyone who wants to learn front-end development then this is the perfect book for them. Ideal for beginners HTML5: The Missing Manual will keep the readers engaged and help in learning the most complex elements very easily. The writer of the book Matthew Randolph has penned down everything starting from basic HTML to CSS and going up to more complex topics like JavaScript and AJAX in this book in order to give the person an overview of everything. 

HTML5: The Missing Manual is a vital guide for someone who needs a clear explanation of everything with proper examples. The beginners will find step-by-step tutorials which can be followed easily in order to gain complete knowledge. In this book, you will learn video tools, dynamic drawings, a Jargon-free guide, online web apps, drag, and drop, etc. 

  • Buy HTML5: The Missing Manual

Best Books to Learn Front-End Web Development

There is a huge demand for Front-End Web Developers or Web Designers in IT and Front-End Developer Jobs are also one of the highest-paying jobs. These all are the reason people love to choose this field. Frontend development is all about UI/UX where the main concern is related to the layout, styling, or designing of the website. Every web designer or frontend developer’s journey starts from HTML and CSS and after a better understanding of both, they need to jump into Javascript to add interactive features to their HTML and CSS design. 

When it comes to learning methods for frontend development most people love to go with online videos or materials however sometimes for reference or to understand the concept in-depth from beginning to the end books are the best options. 


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