Best Practices and Tips

  • Consistent User Experience: Ensure that the loading indicator is consistently shown during all page transitions. This provides a uniform user experience across your app.
  • Performance Considerations: Be mindful of the performance impact. While the loading indicator enhances user experience, it should not significantly slow down transitions.
  • Adjustable Delay: The delay time before hiding the loading indicator can be adjusted based on your app’s needs. Too short a delay may make the indicator flash briefly, while too long a delay might make transitions feel slow.

How To Handle Loading Between Page Changes in NextJS?

To experience smooth transitions between the pages of your Next.js application, you can include a loading indicator that shows the progress of the page being loaded. This can be done by creating a custom spinner component and using it during page transitions.

In this article, we will create a custom spinner component and display it between page transitions in a Next.js application.

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Approach to Handle Loading Between Page Changes in Next.js

Create the Spinner Component: Create a new file named loadingIndicator.js inside the pages. This is a simple component we bring the life to this component with our CSS.Style the Loading Indicator: Using CSS, we will style the above component that purely transforms itself into a spinner.Create another page to navigate and test our loading spinner while transitioning between pages.Integrating the Loading Indicator: To integrate the loading indicator, we will modify the _app.js file. This file acts as the top-level component in your Next.js app and is ideal for managing global states like a loading indicator.Modify _app.js: Open the pages/_app.js file and update it as follows:A delay of 2000 milliseconds is added before hiding the loading indicator. This ensures that the indicator is visible for a short period, even for fast transitions....

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Best Practices and Tips

Consistent User Experience: Ensure that the loading indicator is consistently shown during all page transitions. This provides a uniform user experience across your app.Performance Considerations: Be mindful of the performance impact. While the loading indicator enhances user experience, it should not significantly slow down transitions.Adjustable Delay: The delay time before hiding the loading indicator can be adjusted based on your app’s needs. Too short a delay may make the indicator flash briefly, while too long a delay might make transitions feel slow....

Alternative Approach Using External Packages

1. Install nprogress:...


Displaying a loading indicator during page transitions in Next.js significantly enhances user experience by providing visual feedback. Whether you implement a custom solution or use an external package like nprogress, ensure that your implementation is smooth and does not negatively impact performance. By following this guide, you can create a more polished and user-friendly application....