Best Practices Of CI/CD Workflow

The following are the best practices of CI/CD Workflow:

  • Automated Testing: Implement comprehensive automated testing at different stages of the CI/CD workflow to catch bugs early, ensuring code quality and reliability.
  • Version Control: Utilize a robust version control system like Git to manage and track changes systematically, allowing for easy collaboration and rollbacks when needed.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Implement continuous monitoring and logging to track the performance and health of applications in real-time, facilitating rapid detection and resolution of issues.
  • Artifact Management: Employ artifact repositories to store and version artifacts generated during the CI/CD process, ensuring consistent and reproducible builds across different environments.
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Embrace Infrastructure as Code (IaC) practices to define and manage infrastructure through code, enhancing consistency, scalability, and traceability in deployments.

Learn DevOps from industry experts to enhance your workflow efficiency and master the rapid release of high-quality software. Checkout: DevOps Engineering – Planning to Production

Difference Between Azure Devops and Devops

DevOps is a set of practices that we follow to deploy code from development to production swiftly and smoothly. The term “DevOps” came into existence to describe the commonalities between Development and Operations. From creating the source code to deployment and monitoring in production, DevOps involves several different tools or “dots”.

A good DevOps Engineer connects all these dots to make the code deployment efficient. Some of the most common open-source tools include Git, GitHub, Maven, Nexus, Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, Terraform, Ansible, Jenkins, etc. Let’s know about the difference between Azure DevOps and DevOps with the diagram, and architecture below.

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In conclusion, software development and deployment process can be more agaily and efficient through the both AWS DevOps and Azure DevOps workflows. AWS DevOps make use of reliable cloud architecture facilitating with flexibility and scalability with vast set of effective integrated services. On the other hand Azure DevOps helps in the simplifying the DevOps process with extensive collection of tools facilitating smooth integration inside the environment excelling for Azure centric applications. The decision of going to the platforms is based on your infrastructure preferences....

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