Binary Data Manipulation

The primary purpose of the Buffer class is to facilitate the manipulation of binary data in NodeJS. It provides methods for creating buffers from strings, arrays, or other buffers, as well as for reading, writing, and modifying the contents of buffers.

// Creating a buffer from a string
const buffer = Buffer.from('Hello, World!', 'utf8');

// Reading from a buffer
console.log(buffer.toString('utf8')); // Output: Hello, World!

// Modifying buffer contents
buffer[0] = 72; // ASCII code for 'H'
console.log(buffer.toString('utf8')); // Output: H ello, World!

What is the purpose of the Buffer class in Node ?

In Node, the Buffer class plays a crucial role in handling binary data, allowing developers to work with raw binary data directly. The Buffer class provides a way to create, manipulate, and convert binary data efficiently, making it essential for various tasks such as file I/O, network communication, cryptography, and data manipulation. Let’s explore the key purposes and functionalities of the Buffer class in Node.

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Encoding and Decoding:

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The Buffer class in NodeJS serves as a fundamental building block for handling binary data efficiently. Whether for manipulating binary data, allocating memory, encoding and decoding data, or working with streams, the Buffer class provides essential functionalities for a wide range of tasks in NodeJS applications. By leveraging the capabilities of the Buffer class, developers can work with binary data effectively and build high-performance, data-intensive applications in NodeJS....