Biological Classification of Soybean

Following is the hierarchical classification of Soybean:




Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants)


Magnoliopsida (Dicots)




Fabaceae (Legumes)




Glycine max

Scientific Name of Soybean

Scientific Name of Soybean: In Biology, every organism is given a name called the scientific name and it is unique for every organism. “Glycine max” is the scientific name of Soybean. Soybean originally started out in east Asia, with evidence showing that it was first domesticated around 9000 years ago in China from where it spread to neighboring countries like Japan, and Korea, and later on to the whole world. Soybean is a plant that can grow in varied climates. It has exciting properties such as its emulsifying nature and high concentration of oils and proteins, that make it very useful for both consumption and industrial applications in the present day.

In this article, we have provided everything related to the Scientific name of soybean, including its biological classification, characteristics of soybean, etc.

Table of Content

  • What is the Scientific Name of Soybean?
  • Biological Classification of Soybean
  • Characteristics of Soybean
  • FAQs on Scientific name of Soybean

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