Bipolar Logic Families

In bipolar devices, the conduction happens due to both charge carriers – electrons and holes. Bipolar logic families use semiconductor diodes and bipolar junction transistors as the basic building blocks of logic circuits. The simplest bipolar logic elements use diodes and resistors to perform logic operations; this is called diode logic. Most TTL logic gates use diode logic internally and boost their output drive capability using transistor circuits. Some TTL gates use parallel configurations of transistors to perform logic functions. ECL gates use transistors as current switches to achieve very high speed.

There are further classifications of the bipolar logic family in two types


In this logic, the bipolar junction transistors(BJTs) used are operated in saturated regions. This means that both the emitter-base and collector-base junctions are forward-biased, allowing maximum current flow through the transistor.

Characteristics of Saturated Logic Families

Characteristics of Saturated Logic Families are listed below :

  • Can allow relatively higher current through transistors
  • Very fast state switching
  • Higher power consumption than non-saturated logic families.
  • Better noise immunity
  • Examples include Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL), Diode Transistor Logic (DTL), and Resistor Transistor Logic (RTL). TTL is the most popular category in this classification.

Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL)

Transistor-transistor logic (TTL) is a digital logic family employing bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) to uphold logic states and facilitate switching operations. Introduced in 1961 by James L. Buie of TRW, TTL remains prevalent in various electronic devices and systems. Renowned for its remarkable performance and adaptability, TTL finds widespread application in logic gates, memory circuits, and microprocessors.

Characteristics of TTL

Characteristics of TTL are listed below :

  • Logic Voltage Levels: TTL logic inputs are classified as logical high when they fall between 2V and 5V, and logical low when within the range of 0V to 0.8V.
  • Propagation Delay: TTL stands out for having the minimal propagation delay among digital integrated circuits (ICs).
  • Power Dissipation: A standard TTL device consumes approximately 10mW of power.
  • Noise Margin: TTL boasts a noise margin of about 0.4V
  • Fan Out: Typically, TTL exhibits a fan-out capability of 10.
  • Supply Voltage: TTL necessitates a supply voltage ranging between 4.75 V and 5.25 V.
  • Speed: TTL is renowned for its rapid switching speed.
  • Compatibility: TTL devices are compatible with other TTL devices.

Diode Transistor Logic (DTL)

In Diode Transistor Logic, diodes are used for AND and OR operations while transistors are used for logical inversion and amplification. DTL is used to design and fabricate digital circuits that use diodes in the input stage and BJTs at the output stage. DTL is a type of circuit used in current digital electronics for processing electrical signals.

Characteristics of DTL

Characteristics of DTL are listed below :

  • Noise margin: DTL circuits have better noise performance than that of RTL due to high noise margin
  • Fan-out: DTL circuits typically have High fan-out.
  • Logic low level: 0 or 0.2V
  • Logic high level: 5V
  • Average propagation delay: Average delay is of 9ns which lies between that of RTL and TTL
  • Power dissipation: A few milliwatts to about 50 mW

Resistor Transistor Logic (RTL)

Being the pioneering logic family adopted in integrated circuits, RTL (Resistor-Transistor Logic) circuits consist of resistors and transistors, with resistors positioned at the inputs and transistors at the output. NPN transistors serve as switches, while resistors either regulate current or introduce voltage drops. Initially developed with discrete components, it wasn’t until 1961 that RTL circuits marked the advent of the first digital logic family fabricated as a monolithic integrated circuit. These integrated circuits found application in significant systems like the Apollo Guidance Computer, which debuted in 1966. The fundamental RTL device is the NAND gate.

Characteristics of RTL

Characteristics of RTL are listed below :

  • High packing density: It means more numbers of RTL circuits can be implemented over chipset
  • Logic low level: 0.7V
  • Logic high level: 3.5V
  • Power Dissipation: Power dissipation is high compared to DTL and TTL
  • Noise margin: RTL has poor noise margin with noise immunity being around 30% of supply voltage.
  • Propagation delay: Delay is high resulting in low speed.


In non-saturated bipolar logic, the bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) are operated in the active or linear region and not in the saturation region. In other words, the collector-base junction is reverse-biased, limiting the current flow through the transistor.

Characteristics of Non-Saturated Logic Families

Characteristics of non-saturated Logic Families are listed below :

  • Comparatively lower current flow than the saturated logic family’s transistors
  • Slower switching speed
  • Lower power consumption
  • Examples include Emitter Coupled Logic(ECL) and Schottky TTL.

Emitter Coupled Logic (ECL) family

Emitter-coupled logic (ECL) is a bipolar transistor logic family that is considered to be the fastest logic available. It was invented in 1956 at IBM by Hannon S. Yourke. ECL is also known as current-steering logic (CSL), current-mode logic (CML), or current-switch emitter-follower (CSEF) logic. The key to reducing propagation delay in a bipolar logic family is to prevent a gate’s transistors from saturating, we learned how Schottky diodes prevent saturation in TTL gates.

ECL is used in high-performance applications, such as: Clock-distribution circuits, High-frequency-based applications, Fiber-optic transceiver interfaces, Ethernet, and ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) networks.

Characteristics of ECL logic family

Characteristics of ECL Logic Families are listed below :

  • Power noise: ECL circuits generate relatively little power noise
  • Propagation time: The propagation time for ECL can be less than a nanosecond
  • Small voltage swing: ECL achieves its high-speed operation by employing a relatively small voltage swing and preventing the transistors from entering the saturation region
  • No external inverters: ECL devices operate without the need for any external inverters to simultaneously create the true and complementary output of the desired function at the outputs
  • Small voltage swing: ECL has a small swing which generally varies with difference of 0.8V

Schottky TTL

Schottky TTL employs an internal architecture akin to standard TTL, with the notable inclusion of Schottky transistors. These transistors are essentially conventional bipolar transistors augmented with a Schottky diode bridging the base-collector junction. A Schottky diode, characterized by its semiconductor-metal composition, boasts a notably low cut-in voltage of typically 300 millivolts, in contrast to the 600 mV threshold of other prevalent semiconductor diodes. This low cut-in voltage restricts the base-collector voltage to approximately 400 mV, effectively preventing the transistor from entering saturation. Consequently, this limitation mitigates the transition time required for the transistor to shift from saturation to cutoff state.

Characteristics of Schottky TTL logic family

  • Low power consumption: They basically operate in non-saturated region so usually have less power consumed compared to normal TTL family.
  • Reduced switching time: Schottky diodes have a low forward voltage drop, often between 0.3 and 0.5 volts, which enables quicker switching time. In other words, Schottky TTL is faster.
  • Reduced propagation delay time: By preventing saturation of transistors, it reduces the propagation delay.
  • Simple Circuit design: It has low complexity compared to ECL family.

Introduction to logic family

In this article, We will be going through the Logic Family. we will start our article with an introduction to the logic families, then we will go through their classification and go through their characteristics. Also, we will go through the comparison between CMOS, TTL, and ECL logic families. At last, we will conclude our article with the advantages, disadvantages, applications and some FAQs.

Table of Content

  • Logic Family
  • Classification
  • Characteristics
  • Comparison
  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Applications

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