Bit Manipulation Techniques

1. Checking if a Bit is Set:

To check if a specific bit is set in an integer:

Implementation of Checking if a Bit is Set:

def is_bit_set(num, pos):
    return (num & (1 << pos)) != 0

num = 5  # 0101 in binary

print(is_bit_set(num, 0))  # Check if the least significant bit is set
# Output: True

print(is_bit_set(num, 1))  # Check if the second least significant bit is set
# Output: False


2. Setting a Bit:

To set a specific bit in an integer:

Implementation of setting a bit:

def set_bit(num, pos):
    return num | (1 << pos)

num = 5  # 0101 in binary

result = set_bit(num, 1)  # Set the second least significant bit
print(result)  # Output: 7 (0111 in binary)


3. Clearing a Bit:

Implementation of clearing a bit:

def clear_bit(num, pos):
    return num & ~(1 << pos)

num = 7  # 0111 in binary

result = clear_bit(num, 1)  # Clear the second least significant bit
print(result)  # Output: 5 (0101 in binary)


4. Toggling a Bit:

To toggle a specific bit in an integer:

Implementation of toggling a bit:

def toggle_bit(num, pos):
    return num ^ (1 << pos)

num = 5  # 0101 in binary

result = toggle_bit(num, 1)  # Toggle the second least significant bit
print(result)  # Output: 7 (0111 in binary)


5. Counting Set Bits:

To count the number of set bits (1s) in an integer:

Implementation of counting set bits:

def count_set_bits(num):
    count = 0
    while num:
        count += num & 1
        num >>= 1
    return count

num = 7  # 0111 in binary

print(count_set_bits(num))  # Output: 3


Related article:

Bitwise Algorithm in Python

Bitwise algorithms refer to the use of bitwise operators to manipulate individual bits of data. Python provides a set of bitwise operators such as AND (&), OR (|), XOR (^), NOT (~), shift left (<<), and shift right (>>). These operators are commonly used in tasks like encryption, compression, graphics, communications over ports and sockets, embedded systems programming, and more. They can lead to more efficient code when used appropriately.

Bitwise Algorithm in Python

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