Black Hat

The black-hat operation is used to do the opposite, enhancing dark objects of interest on a bright background. The output of this operation is the difference between the closing of the input image and the input image. 


  • Import the necessary packages as shown.
  • Read the image.
  • Binarize the image.
  • As it is advised to keep the foreground white, we are performing OpenCV’s invert operation on the binarized image to make the foreground as white.
  • We are defining a 5×5 kernel filled with ones.
  • Then we can use the Opencv cv.morphologyEx() function to perform a Top Hat operation on the image.


# import the necessary packages
import cv2
# read the image
img = cv2.imread("your image path", 0)
# binarize the image
binr = cv2.threshold(img, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY+cv2.THRESH_OTSU)[1]
# define the kernel
kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8)
# invert the image
invert = cv2.bitwise_not(binr)
# use morph gradient
morph_gradient = cv2.morphologyEx(invert,
# print the output
plt.imshow(morph_gradient, cmap='gray')


Black Hat image

Python OpenCV – Morphological Operations

Python OpenCV Morphological operations are one of the Image processing techniques that processes image based on shape. This processing strategy is usually performed on binary images. 

Morphological operations based on OpenCV are as follows:

  • Erosion
  • Dilation
  • Opening
  • Closing
  • Morphological Gradient
  • Top hat
  • Black hat

For all the above techniques the two important requirements are the binary image and a kernel structuring element that is used to slide across the image.

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Images used for demonstration:



Erosion primarily involves eroding the outer surface (the foreground) of the image. As binary images only contain two pixels 0 and 255, it primarily involves eroding the foreground of the image and it is suggested to have the foreground as white. The thickness of erosion depends on the size and shape of the defined kernel. We can make use of NumPy’s ones() function to define a kernel. There are a lot of other functions like NumPy zeros, customized kernels, and others that can be used to define kernels based on the problem in hand....




Dilation involves dilating the outer surface (the foreground) of the image. As binary images only contain two pixels 0 and 255, it primarily involves expanding the foreground of the image and it is suggested to have the foreground as white. The thickness of erosion depends on the size and shape of the defined kernel. We can make use of NumPy’s ones() function to define a kernel. There are a lot of other functions like NumPy zeros, customized kernels, and others that can be used to define kernels based on the problem at hand. It is exactly opposite to the erosion operation...



Morphological Gradient

Opening involves erosion followed by dilation in the outer surface (the foreground) of the image. All the above-said constraints for erosion and dilation applies here. It is a blend of the two prime methods. It is generally used to remove the noise in the image....

Top Hat


Black Hat

Closing involves dilation followed by erosion in the outer surface (the foreground) of the image. All the above-said constraints for erosion and dilation applies here. It is a blend of the two prime methods. It is generally used to remove the noise in the image....