Box Blur Algorithm –

Box blur
Note: For each 3 * 3 pixel matrix there is one blurred pixel calculated as above.



def square_matrix(square):
    """ This function will calculate the value x 
       (i.e. blurred pixel value) for each 3 * 3 blur image.
    tot_sum = 0
    # Calculate sum of all the pixels in 3 * 3 matrix
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            tot_sum += square[i][j]
    return tot_sum // 9     # return the average of the sum of pixels
def boxBlur(image):
    This function will calculate the blurred 
    image for given n * n image. 
    square = []     # This will store the 3 * 3 matrix 
                 # which will be used to find its blurred pixel
    square_row = [] # This will store one row of a 3 * 3 matrix and 
                    # will be appended in square
    blur_row = []   # Here we will store the resulting blurred
                    # pixels possible in one row 
                    # and will append this in the blur_img
    blur_img = [] # This is the resulting blurred image
    # number of rows in the given image
    n_rows = len(image) 
    # number of columns in the given image
    n_col = len(image[0]) 
    # rp is row pointer and cp is column pointer
    rp, cp = 0, 0 
    # This while loop will be used to 
    # calculate all the blurred pixel in the first row 
    while rp <= n_rows - 3
        while cp <= n_col-3:
            for i in range(rp, rp + 3):
                for j in range(cp, cp + 3):
                    # append all the pixels in a row of 3 * 3 matrix
                # append the row in the square i.e. 3 * 3 matrix 
                square_row = []
            # calculate the blurred pixel for given 3 * 3 matrix 
            # i.e. square and append it in blur_row
            square = []
            # increase the column pointer
            cp = cp + 1
        # append the blur_row in blur_image
        blur_row = []
        rp = rp + 1 # increase row pointer
        cp = 0 # start column pointer from 0 again
    # Return the resulting pixel matrix
    return blur_img
# Driver code
image = [[7, 4, 0, 1], 
        [5, 6, 2, 2], 
        [6, 10, 7, 8], 
        [1, 4, 2, 0]]

[[5, 4], 
[4, 4]]
image = [[36, 0, 18, 9], 
         [27, 54, 9, 0], 
         [81, 63, 72, 45]]

[[40, 30]]
Further Read:

Box Blur Algorithm – With Python implementation

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